Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan


"Inside" I instructed. He nodded and shuffled into my living room. I followed him in and shrugged out of Luke's jacket and threw Lenny on the couch.
"Well?" I asked as I turned to face him, crossing my arms over my chest
"I'm so sorry" he said as soon as my eyes met his
"Why did you do it Zack?" I asked and his eyes dropped to the floor, I could tell he was sorry so I wasn't going to make a bigger deal out of it
"Because he isn't good for you" he said
"Wait, what?" I demanded
"He's a douche bag"
"And you know this how?" I asked, throwing my arms up in the air
"Because, I can just tell. He's like all the other guys you've dated and none of them have ever been good for you!" he said anger dripping from every word
"This has nothing to do with my past boyfriends, Zack! This is you being fucking crazy" I shouted
"Have you ever thought about why I'm so crazy?" he shouted back
"Don't you dare" I growled, tears welling in my eyes
"Don't dare what, Shay? Don't tell you what's really been bugging me?" he said, stepping towards me
"Stop! Zachary Steven Merrick don't you dare tell me you're in love with me!" I shouted "You can't do that this time! You do this every time we argue and it's not fair! It's like you're holding it over my head or something. I love you, you know I love you but I don't know if we could ever work, then if we tried and it didn't work where would we be? I can't loose you" I said, for some reason as I had talked Zack had intertwined our fingers and we were literally chest to chest
"So we're missing out on what could be the best relationship of our lives because you're scared of loosing someone you know you're never going to loose?" he said
"Its not just that, there's Luke too" I whispered
"First there was Adam, then there was Michael and now there's Luke. Whens my turn? Because I'm getting fucking sick of waiting!" Zack yelled, snatching his hands away from mine and storming into my kitchen with me hot on his tail
"What, you're sick of me?" I yelled
"Thats not what I said! I said I'm sick of waiting!" he yelled back, picking up a glass and launching it across the room where it hit the wall and smashed only inches away from where I was standing
"Well stop fucking waiting then! Get out of my house Zack, you've just nearly glassed me!" I yelled angrily, never in all the years I'd known him had Zack ever been remotely violent towards me and when I looked into his eyes I didn't see a hint of regret or remorse.
He didn't say a word to me before storming out of my back door, making sure to slam it shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I know I've been away forever and I'm really sorry and this probably doesn't make it up to you but I'm working on the next chapter right now so it'll probably be up tonight!
Thoughts? Don't be shy in the comments.