Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan


"So, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Luke. Luke this is my Aunt Joan, Uncle Robert and my cousins Natalie and Melissa " I introduced, Luke said hello and shook my uncles hand. I could see them looking him up and down, judging every move he made.
"It's nice to meet you all" He said, flashing them one of his irresistible smiles. I saw Melissa flash him a flirty smile back, which made my blood boil, but he didn't see.
"Can I offer you some drinks? A cup of tea?" I offered, they all accepted.
"I'll help" Luke said and we went into the kitchen.
"You would think at 17 she would know how to make a cup of tea" My Uncle muttered when he thought we were out of ear shot, they all laughed. Luke slammed the kitchen door shut, and their cackles stopped. I just rolled my eyes.
"Well he's a jackass" Luke muttered as I filled up the kettle and he jumped up so that he was sitting on the bench. I stood in between his legs which he wrapped around my waist.
"I warned you" I laughed
"Yeah, but I didn't think it was possible for someone to be that... dickish" He said, his eyebrows were pulled together and his face was hard with anger
"Calm down, it's just who they are, they'll be gone soon and you can forget about them" I laughed lightly, running my hands through his short hair
"Doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off when people are mean to my girl" He said, I smiled and pulled him closer to me, attaching my lips to his. We stayed like that for a few minutes, just lightly kissing while the kettle boiled. Until were interrupted by someone obnoxiously clearing their throat in the doorway. I groaned quietly, so that Luke heard but whoever it was didn't. I turned to see Melissa standing there, tapping her foot.
"What?" I asked
"You're taking forever" She commented
"I'm waiting for the kettle to boil" I said slowly, pointing to the kettle.
"Don't put sugar in mine, I'm a vegetarian" she said before flipping her hair and leaving the room, before I got a chance to explain that sugar wasn't meat. When she was gone Luke and I burst into fits of laughter.
"Clearly you got the smart genes in your family" He laughed
"Eugh, don't remind me that I'm related to them" I muttered, the kettle stopped boiling so I untangled myself from Luke and started to make the tea. When I had finished I carried them through to the living room and sat on the arm of the free chair so Luke could sit normally.
"So, Luke, tell us about yourself" My Uncle said, I repressed the urge to roll my eyes, I felt bad for Luke because I knew whatever he said in the next five minutes would be undermined and judged.
"Well, I'm in Shay's year at school and I'm planning on going to college then to medical school, following in my fathers footsteps." He said, I was took by surprise, although we'd never talked about it I had assumed he wanted to play professional football since it was all he talked about when asked about college, and because he was really good.
"Impressive, what does your father do, exactly?" My Aunt asked
"He's the chief of medicine at St Johns hospital" Luke said, I knew he hated talking about his dad's job because he thinks it made him sound like he was gloating.
"So, he makes a lot of money, then?" Mu Uncle asked. I looked over at Luke and sent him a silent apology.
"I, um, I guess so" He muttered awkwardly
"That's good. Shay, you've found yourself a keeper, nothing like that Zack fellow you used to date." my Aunt said
"Zack and I never dated." I said firmly
"Oh, well where is he? He used to always be here" Natalie asked, she had always had a crush on Zack and would flirt shamelessly with him, no matter how much he hinted he didn't have any interest.
"He just isn't here" I stated, at that point the front door opened and her mother came into the the front room, her face dropped momentarily when she saw our 'company' but she recomposed herself.
"Mom, we're going out" I rushed, standing up and rushing out of the room before she had a chance to protest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just updated but I accidentally uploaded the last chapter twice so here's the actual next chapter! I should probably apologize for my absence, so sorry!
But yeah, here it is.
It's kind of a shitty filler.
I know how I want this story to end, I have the last chapter written and ready to go, but I don't know how to get there, so yeah, I'm still figuring this thing out.
Bare with me!