Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

Authors Note - Will Be Deleted Soon

Ok, I know I've been away forever but I promise I'm going to try and update more frequently, but school's kinda crazy at the minute and I'm actually being sociable at the minute and going out, meaning writing this and the other fic's I'm working on have been put on the back burner.

Also, I was reading through this and I realised that I was somehow stupid enough to miss out a chapter in between chapters 9 and 10, so once I figure out how to I'm going to upload it in the right place.

Finally, I would love to know if anyone is still interested in this story at all. I wouldn't blame you if you weren't seeing as I've been missing for almost four months, but if you are in fact still interesting in this I would appreciate it if you would comment on this A/N and let me know.

Sophie x

P.S: If you wanted to, you could totally check out this harlem shake video

It was filmed at a local music festival called Evolution festival and I was in the crowd pretty much right at the front, so yeah, you should watch it.