Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

No matter how much they deny it, every man loves a good rom-com now and then

"So, how was it while I was away?" my mom asked as we sat in our usual booth in our usual diner having our usual catch up we have whenever my she gets back from a business trip
"The same really, I just went to school and hung out with Zack" I said
"You spend a lot of time with Zack, is there no other boys you're interested in?" she asked and I blushed
"There is!" she gasped "Tell me everything!"
"Mom, I swear you're still fifteen" I laughed "But yes, there is a guy. He's called Luke. He's in my English class and we talk a lot. That's it"
"How come you've never mentioned him before?" she asked
"We've just got close, its nothing big, just friends really" I said
"But you like him"
"A little" I blushed again, concentrating on the milk shake
"Aw!" she cooed "I wanna meet him"
"No, please even Zack hasn't met him" I laughed
"What if you do start dating him? You think Zack will like him?" she asked
"I think Zack wont have a choice" I smirked
Speaking of Zack, I got a text
To: Shay
From: Zack
Come watch movies? I'm bored!x

I looked at my mom and she already knew what I was going to say "Go, go. I'll just sit here all on my lonesome" she fake pouted as I put my bag on my shoulder
"You were getting bored of me any way'' I laughed as I leaned over the table and kissed her cheek
"You know me to well" she said as I text Zack to pick me up

Ten minutes later I was sitting in his car singing along to Snow Patrol with him
"Ooh I almost forgot. We're going shopping tomorrow" he said, clearly I don't get a choice in the matter
"What for?" I asked
"A new dress for you" he said, that puzzled me
"Why do I need a new dress?" I asked
"Because your coming to a party" he informed me
"Oh, ok. But you don't have go buy me a dress, I have plenty" I told him
"Can't I just treat my bestie to a dress?" he said
"Whatever dude, it's your money" I laughed
"So what movies did you get?" I asked looking at the DVD rentals bag
"Men in black 1&2 and iron man 1&2" he said "I'm not surprised at all" I joked
"And p.s I love you" he added "Ok now I'm surprised" I laughed
"No matter how much they deny it, every man loves a good rom-com now and then" he said in all seriousness
"Well we're watching that one first" I said
"Fine with me, I got oreo's too" he said
"You know me so well" I smiled
"You left your t-shirt at mine last night by the way" I said as I got out of the car
"You can keep it, its to small for me now" he said
"Your getting to fat" I joked "I know right, I should really hit the gym more often" he joked back
"Please no, I'd never see you!" I said "Oh I forgot to ask, who's party is it tomorrow?" I asked as he unlocked the front door
"Alex's" he mumbled, knowing I wasn't a fan of Alex Gaskarths parties, there always full over over intoxicated teenage sluts who want to fuck one of the band, there rank. And because I actually spent time with the guys they all think I'm satan or something.
"Great" I said sarcastically
"You'll be with me, it'll be fine" he said, kissing me on the forehead
"You know you kiss me a lot for someone who's just a friend" I pointed out
"Because I love you silly" he said, every time he said those words he melted my heart just a little bit. I didn't have feeling for Zack, it's just he's such a nice guy and he's always been there, we've lived next door to each other all my life and we've always been inseparable. I love him, but I'm not in love with him, I don't think.

We spent the rest of the night curled up on Zack's sofa watching films, I must have dozed off during one as I woke up in Zack's arms the next morning "Morning sleeping beauty" he said as I fluttered my eyes open
"Why aren't you out on your run?" I asked without moving from his grip
"I can skip it for one day to lie here with you can't I?" he said gently
"Nope, you'll get fat" I said as if it was a fact, still without moving, Zack just laughed and we lay there wrapped up in each other silently, it was bliss. I had almost dozed off again when I felt the weight of three 18 year old boys jumping on the bed I was in, I wasn't bothered about it, it was funny
"Oooooh, someone got it in lastnight" Alex joked
"Actually, I didn't so you can fuck right off" Zack said slightly aggressively.
"Morning beautiful" Alex said sitting on me
"Wanna know a secret?" he teased while Jack and Rian terrorised Zack
"Go ahead" I said not really caring about his secrets
"I can see you boobies" he said like the child he really is. I looked down to see that as some point during the night I had changed into a pair of Zack's shorts and those plus a bra was all I was wearing, unfortunately for me at some point during the commotion the boys had created my left boob managed to find its way into full view of the person sat on top of me
"Whoops" I said adjusting my bra so I was covered
"We're going shopping!" Jack exclaimed in a girlish voice which sent everyone into fits of laughter
"Well I need a shower before we go" I said
"Zack go to mine and get me my toothbrush, a pair of blue denim shorts, underwear and your t-shirt please" I said as I went into his bathroom and turned on the shower I got in and about three seconds afterwards Alex stormed in because he had to pee, thank God for shower curtains
"You know if I wanted to I could totally see you naked right now" he said
"Was a boob not enough for one day Gaskarth?" I joked
"Not when it's you, I need the full thing" he said
"Get out of the bathroom you perve I joked
"I'm not done peeing!" he argued
"Worlds longest pee" I muttered.
Alex finally left the bathroom and I got out the shower and dried myself off, I wrapped a towel around myself and went back into Zack's bedroom where all four boys stared at me wide-eyed
"Zack did you get my clothes?" I asked and he nodded and handed them to me "Thanks" I laughed and went into the bathroom, I put the clothes on but something was wrong. "Zack I need scissors" I told him, he seemed confused but got some of a random draw and handed me them. I took off the t-shirt and lay it out on the bed, I could feel the boys' eyes burning into me
"Ok seriously! You guys are acting like you have never seen a girl before!" I said getting pissed about being stared at, they all averted their eyes and did something else like checking the time or texting someone. I grabbed the scissors and cut the sleeves If Zack's t-shirt and made the new sleeve holes go to about half way down. I tucked the white t-shirt which had a rib cage design on it into my shorts and threw my hair into a messy bun and put on the foundation, blusher, eye-liner and mascara I had in my bag from yesterday then brushed my teeth.
I couldn't be bothered with a bag today so I put my phone and my keys in my pockets and my camera around my neck. With that we left.

Alex, Rian and Jack went in Alex's car and Zack and I went in mine.
"You drive like a girl Gaskarth" I said as we met up in the parking lot.
"Yeah well you drive like a trucker" he retorted
"I'll take that as a compliment" I said and received a weird look from him as we entered the mall. I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time in guy shops surrounded by hot boys buying hot boy clothes so today was going to be a good day. We grabbed a McDonald's first because everyone was starving, I got a chicken select meal and the guys all got burgers.
Then we went into about a million stores until all the guys got what they came for and now it's my turn. We went into countless stores and we finally found the perfect black dress and black heels with silver studs on the back. Wow.
"Are we done?" Jack asked, sounding defeated
"Yep" I said and they all cheered sarcastically.
We said our goodbyes in the parking lot and we drove our opposite ways
"I'll find a way of giving you that money, whether you want it or not" I said as I drove
"Think of it as an early birthday present" he said "Three months early?" I laughed.
"Why are you guys throwing this party anyways?" I asked
"It's Alex, does he need a reason?" Zack pointed out
"Hmm I suppose. I was just checking in case it was someone's birthday or something" I said "Ok, get ready and come to mine at nine" he told me as we pulled into the shared driveway between our houses "Ok, so I have two and a half hours until I'm leaving, I honestly don't think it's enough time" I warned
"Well make it enough!" he smirked
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback would be lovely?c:
Also, a huge thank you to my twelve subscribers and two commenters, you guys make me feel all gushy and stuff:3