Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

You punch like an eighty-four year old.

I ran in the house and straight up to my room, which had been tidied by my mom- isn't she sweet. I threw my bags on my bed and got in the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out. I dried my self and blow dried my blonde hair then curled the ends slightly. I did my make-up which seemed to take longer than usual today. By the time I was putting my dress on I had five minutes before I had to be at Zack's. I put on my shoes and silver accessories and went downstairs, silver glittery clutch I hand where I saw my mom conversing with a small, white-haired, camp looking man.
"Wow, you look amazing!" Mom said as she heard me come down the stairs
"Thanks" I smiled
"Those shoes!" the man exclaimed, sounding as if he had literally just fell in love. I laughed as my mom stood up and give her phone to the man "Take a picture" she demanded. He took the phone and my mom stood next to me and we smiled.
"Ok I have to go" I said
"Where are you going?" my mom asked
"To Alex's party" I said, she stared at me with a blank expression on her face
"He's Zack's friend " I explained further
"Oh alright, well have fun" she smiled. I left my house and ran across the pavement between mine and Zack's porch's and knocked on his door
"Hey" he said as he pulled me into a hug after opening the front door
"Hello dear" his mom greeted me as I walked into his living room
"Hello Mrs. Merrick" I said and Zack dragged me through to the kitchen
"Hi Shay" Mark, Zacks dad, greeted
"Hi" I said politely as I didn't know him that well.
"Want a drink?" Zack asked
"Um no thanks" I said but he got me a soda any ways I rolled my eyes as he handed it to me
"So when are..." I began but I was interrupted by Zack's door bursting open and two loud males started making lots of noise
"WOW. All that walking was totally worth it" Jack said as he looked me up and down "Eyes off, Barakat" Zack said punching his arm rather hard
"I'll see you later" he whispered creepily in my ear to which he received a punch in the stomach from myself
"You punch like an eighty-four year old" he exclaimed
"Have you seen the size of me?" I pointed out, I am really small for my age, I'm about 5 foot and I don't think I've grown since I was about fifteen. It doesn't help that other than Alexis most of my friends are tall males, which makes me seem smaller.
"Ok, are we going?" Rian asked
"To Alex's" Jack shouted proudly. We left Zack's and got in Jack's car and drove to Alex's.
We just walked in without knocking and we were greeted with the strong smell of alcohol and people, the music was loud and people were dancing in the living room. Zack, Jack and Rian dragged me through the people to the kitchen where we all got drinks then we went and sat in the garden, there was only three seats left so I sat on Zack's knee. We chatted amongst ourselves and I don't actually know what I was drinking but it was strong and Rian kept getting everyone more and more so half an hour into the party I was pretty drunk and I'm sure the music was getting louder "Come dance" I said as I stood up and faced Zack
"I don't dance" he said
"Pleaseeeeeeeeee" I literally begged, I pulled on his arm but he just refused point blank
"Fine, I'll go find someone else to dance with" I huffed before snaking through the crowds looking for a suitable dance partner. Soon enough I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Luke standing there.
"Hey!" I shouted over the music as he pulled me into a hug
"Wanna dance?" he asked, I nodded and he lead me by hand through the crowd of dancing people to the middle. He pulled me close to him and laced his fingers together behind my back while I tangled mine in his hair. My body moved against his and our faces were inches apart the whole time.
We must have been dancing for at least an hour "Ok, now I need a drink" I said into his ear
"Same" he said laughing, he led my by the hand to the kitchen where we finally saw Alex
"Hey man, how you doing?" Luke asked, Alex just mumbled something to him, smiled at me and stumbled off "Someone's drunk" Luke laughed
"Only slightly" I said sarcastically , I couldn't realy comment on the state of Alex seeing I was drunk too but I can't handle my drunk-ness better than he can.
"I'm guna go find my friends" I said, he nodded and pulled me into a bye hug. I wanderd back to where Zack and the guys were sitting and I spent the rest if the party drinking, talking an dancing. I was sitting on Zack's knew talking when someone ran up to me
"SHAY!" I looked up and saw Alexis standing there, I jumped up and hugged her
"What are you doing here?" I asked her
"That guy invited me today" she said pointing at Matt.
"How come you're here?" she asked, I know her from school so she doesn't know Zack or the guys
"Um it's Zack's band mate's house" I said pointing to Zack
"Oh, it's nice to meet you" she said smiling at Zack. She sat with us and I asked her how she knew Matt, she said she met him at the mall yesterday and they were talking all day and texting all night, she really likes him- It's cute. I told her about Zack, I don't really talk about him much so she doesn't even know his full name.
"We should do something sometime, the four of us" Zack suggested
"Oh, that sounds fun, I'm going to go find him. Bye" she said as she got up and skipped away
"She was... Cheerful" Zack said as soon as she was out of earshot
"I know she's a bit loud, but she's really nice" I said defending her
"Sure she is" he said, I could tell she irritates him, I found it funny. At about one people started pouring out of Alex's, I stayed in the living room with Zack, Jack, Ryan, Alex, Matt and Alexis. "Come out for some air?" Zack asked me quietly.

"What's up?" she asked as soon as we were outside alone
"Nothing really" I lied, in all honesty I planned on telling her how I really feel, how I've always felt. I was in love with her and now was my chance to tell her but I couldn't, I chickened out. Damn.
"Don't you dare lie to me" she said, looking me straight in the eye, or at least trying to
"You're drunk" I teased, changing the subject
"So are you" she said. After that, we slipped into a comfortable silence just standing there. She slipped her arms around me, under my jacket, and leaned her head against my chest
"I love you, Zack" she whispered, I knew she only meant as friend "I love you too, Shay" I said, meaning so much more.
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Feedback? Don't be quiet!
What do you guys think is going to happen?
What do you think of Luke?