Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

"You cook and I just stand here looking sexy"

3 months after that night, it was the morning of Shay's birthday, 5 am in the morning that is. I woke myself up early so I could prepare myself for today. I had the perfect day planned for Shay and I, first off I was going to wake her up with a birthday breakfast (her mom is away on business and she's already had her birthday day with her) then give her the presents I bought her and take her on my mystical birthday tour.
I showered and got ready. Then I made an English Breakfast for her and covered the tray with a lid so it can be transported the short way to her house. I picked up the bags with her presents in and headed out.
I got to her door and used her key she kept under a plant pot to let myself into her house. I made sure I looked ok in the mirror in the hall way outside her bedroom and opened the door. She looked perfect in her sleep, I just stood there for a few seconds taking in her beauty. I love her so much.
"Wake up beautiful, happy birthday" I said, I put the bag out of sight and the tray of food on her bedside table. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me
"Morning Zack" she said in her morning voice which was a combination of sleepy and musky
"How did you sleep?" I asked
"Alright I suppose" she said sitting up, I put the tray over her legs and her face lit up
"Zack you didn't have to" she said gratefully
"Let you go without a birthday breakfast?" I joked as she started eating. I sat watching as she ate and received many texts which I assume were happy birthday messages. She cleaned her plate and smiled at me in gratitude
"Thanks Zack. It means a lot that you would do that for me" she said, I didn't reply I just handed her the sliver bag which had her presents in, her face lit up even more
"Zack! I told you hundreds of times you didn't have to get me presents!" she said
"I didn't get them because I had to, I got them because I wanted to see you smile" I said honestly. She opened the card first and read it in her head but I remember writing:
To my beautiful best friend Shay. You deserve the best seventeenth birthday anyone has ever had so I took upon myself to give you it. Today we're going on an adventure, so be ready!
Love you loads, Zack x
She looked at me suspiciously and started opening her presents. One by one she opened the three perfumes, a basket ball jersey, a few CD's, the Criminal Minds boxed set, chocolate with her name on in icing, a bracelet, a charm for her charm bracelet and a necklace.
"I love them but you really shouldn't have!" she said
"Say that one more time and I'll take them all off you!" I joked, she mimed zipping her lips and leaned over, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I never wanted to break that hug, I wanted to hold her forever.
"What's this adventure then?" she asked
"You'll have to wait and see" I teased
"You know I don't like surprises!" she moaned
"You'll like this one, go get ready!" I said and she jumped off her bed to start getting ready. As she was in the shower I took her breakfast dishes down to the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher. When I came back up, she got a text from Michael, her ex.
Hey baby. Have a great birthday, I'm coming to see you right now with your present. I think you'll love it! X x x x

Why was this guy texting her, why was this guy coming to her house? He's a dick!
You want the back story? She was with him when Wilson died and after that night he accused her of not being 'fun' enough for him, then during a huge argument he told her how he really felt about Wilson. He basically insulted him over and over again and she snapped. She doesn't trust guys now which is why she hasn't had a boyfriend after him.

I wanted to know why he was coming today so I scrolled through there old messages. They were basically all him apologising, weirdly though he'd sent about five in the past two weeks, why the sudden urge? That's what I was about to find out as he had just knocked on the door. I decided to fuck with his head so I messed up my hair and took of my shirt and pants so I was only in my boxer shorts, hopefully this would put idea's in his head.
"Hello?" I asked as I answered the door
"Um hi, is Shay in?" he asked awkwardly
"She's still in bed. Can I help you?" I asked trying to make it sound like I had just got up. He knew his plan to do whatever he was planning to do had failed miserably so he just asked me to give her the bag and walked back to his car with his head down. I wanted to know so badly what was in the presents but I knew I should leave Shay to decide whether to open them or not. She got another text from him
See you've moved on, could have told me? Bitch.
What gave him the right to call her a bitch? Like I said, he's a dick.

Once Shay was ready we headed out to my car after I had told her to pack an over night bag of toiletries and stuff, I had everything else sorted. We got in my car and we headed to the new spa that's just opened. Whilst she was at the day spa I went to the lake to set up a tent, it was a little one so we shared an air bed, that was planned. I then went to the supermarket and got everything I needed for a barbecue after putting the bags in the tent and locking it with a pad lock. I bought a little barbecue, coal, lighter fluid, a lighter, food, drinks, plates, napkins and utensils. I also bought little lawn chairs and a fire pit for when it gets cold.

I had no idea what Zack had planned for the rest of the day but whatever it was, I was looking forward to it. He always goes so over board on my birthdays and I can never live up to it when his comes around. He seems overly excited about this one though, like it has some special meaning or something, whatever, I'm at a luxury spa so I'm not complaining.
Four hours later once I'd had every part of my body reachable massaged Zack came back with an eager look on his face. He paid for my treatments and whisked me off somewhere once again.
"Where are we going?" I asked for about the millionth time today. I'd been in the car for over an hour and really needed to pee, plus I really hate not knowing things "Pleaseeeeeeee tell me!" I litterally begged
"We're here!" he announced. I looked up and saw a warehouse that looked old and abandoned
"What is this place?" I asked
"An old abandoned warehouse" Zack said proudly
"Oh, so why are we here?" I asked
"Well, its what's out back we're interested in" he said and with that he dragged me around the corner and I realised where we were. He'd brought me to the lake, to do what I'm not sure of, but he knows I love it here and he's the only person I've ever been here with apart from Wilson.
"Why'd we come this way?" I asked as we walked hand in hand
"Because you would have recognised the other way instantly and ruined the surprise" he said
"Theres more surprises?" I asked trying to hide my excitement
"Yep" he said looking up at the clear sky
"You shouldn't have done all this" I said "What are you looking at?" I asked looking up at the sky too
"Figuring something" he said vaguely "Figuring what?" I probed
"You'll see" he smiled.
We'd been walking for at least fifteen minuets when we got to the tent he had set up, it was almost dark and it looked so cute. It just looked like a small green tent at first, then when he opened it I was amazed, it had a double air bed which took up most of the space that had pretty blankets and pillows on. Down the side of the bed there was various bottles of soft and alcoholic drinks, loads of sweets and biscuits and a portable DVD player surrounded by at least twenty DVD's of films he knew I loved. And outside there was a BBQ next to a cooler
"So I'm the one barbecuing then?" I laughed, Zack can't cook to save his life.
"You cook and I just stand here looking sexy" he said with a grin
"How about you actually do something productive and help?" I suggested
He fake pouted and groaned then started up the BBQ.
"Wasn't so hard was it?" I joked
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback would be great? Also, spread the word about this if you like it, please.
Thanks to my commenters!
