Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

You just dropped to the floor right in front of me!

"Morning" Zack said as my eyes fluttered open "You're a horrible sleeper" he laughed
"How come?" I asked, unaware of my mid-sleep antics
"You were kicking me" he moaned
"Take it like a man!" I said in a manly voice and punched him in the chest, wow it was hard, he laughed at how weak I was and sat up
"What time is it?" I asked myself as I checked my phone, 4.30
"Why are we up so early?" I moaned
"Because you're coming somewhere with me before school" he said sniggering
"More surprises? it's not even my birthday anymore!" I said
"Well this isn't a birthday surprise, just a surprise" he said smiling mischievously.
I looked at him weirdly and struggled to grab some clothes from a bag, it was pretty warm and this tent was like an oven so I went into Zack's car to change into blue shorts and a white tank top, then did the guy thing of spraying like a full can of deoderant on instead of showering and tied my hair up in a messy bun.
I wiped my face with a makeup wipe seeing as I hadn't taken it off lastnight and went back over to Zack who was letting the air bed down and taking everything out of the tent. I sat on the hood of his car and just watched him, he's so beautiful, like a man beautiful.
I love spending time with Zack, I mean who doesn't? He's shy at first but I dont remember him ever being shy around me, he's funny, friendly, loyal, trustworthy, he always gives good advice, he's always there to take care of you whenever you need him and he's just always lovely in general.
"You just guna' sit there or you guna' help?" he shouted to me
"I think I'll just sit here thanks" I joked
"Yet yo' ass off my car and help!" he shouted, throwing a cookie at me
"You totally just wasted a cookie" I shouted as I got up
"What do you need me to do then?" I asked
"Roll around on the bed" he answered, in all seriousness, I looked at him not seeing the point
"It'll go down faster" he explained
"Oh" I laughed as I ducked to get into the tent and collapsed on the bed and spread myself out
"See, you're helping without even moving" he laughed
"This is my kind of work, you think people would pay me for this?" I joked
"Yes, people would totally pay you to come and lie on their beds" he laughed
"So, where are we going today?" I asked casually, hoping he would forget it was a surprise
"Not telling" he said
"You're so mean!" I laughed
After two hours the tent was down and everything had been packed back into Zack's car, it wouldn't have took so long but Zack started doing push ups for like half an hour and I got distracted watching.
"You're a right perve y'know" he laughed while we drove off
"How come?" I asked
"Watching me work out, creep" he joked
"Well its not as if you were being subtle about it, you just dropped to the ground right in front of me!" I defended myself
"Can't a guy work out in front of a girl and not be started at?" he asked
"Nope" I stated
"Oh, that's good to know" he laughed
"Now will you tell me where you're taking me?" I pleaded
"Nuh-uh" he teased
"A clue?" I bargained
"Ok, its not where we're going, it's what we're getting" he said, I didn't reply I just sat and tried to figure it out.
"Right, c'mon" he said once we had parked in front of some shops I had never been to before, he dragged me into a salon and up some stairs, I didn't recognise what the room was at first but then I clicked on; he'd brought me to get a tattoo.
He was helping me do my bucket list. One of the things was to get a tattoo and another was to sleep under the stars.
"Hey Callum" Zack said and a buff, tattooed man came up to us and did that hand shake/ hug thing guys do with Zack and pulled me into a suffocating hug - he's very friendly.
"So this is the girl you want to get inked up?" he asked Zack, I'm assuming he was refferring to me
"Yup" he said
"Right, do you know what you want?" he asked, turning his attention to me
"I want a W on my wrist" I told him
"And what do you want bro?" he asked Zack
"Something added to my chest I'm not sure what" he said
"Looks like we're starting with you" Callum said rubbing his palms together
"Ok" I said nervously
He wiped down the arm rest while I took a seat and looked through some letter stylings to choose which type I wanted, I chose a one that slanted to the right and had an extra swirly bit on the left.
Once he had drew it on the tracing paper and transferred it onto my wrist he started tattooing, It stung a bit a first but then once I got used to it, it was fine.
Callum was really friendly and even asked me about Wilson, for some reason I found myself baring my soul to this guy, it actually felt good to tell someone else, someone I wasn't close to and probably wasn't going to see ever again.
He was finished in less than twenty minutes and he wrapped it in the clear thingy then Zack added music notes to the bird tattoo on his chest.
"Thank you, for everything" I said as he drove us home
"No problem" he smiled back
"I've been thinking, I would love to go to your shitty charity event with you" I said as of it was a big announcement and he plastered on a huge fake-grin
"Seriously?!" he almost shouted
"Seriously" I laughed
The rest of the car ride was spent talking about all the other shitty charity events we had been too. Most teenagers would find them boring but Zack and I sit in a corner eating small portions of expensive food and laughing at all the posh, old, boring people who were pretending to care about whatever cause the charity supported
"So is that what you were talking about then?" I asked excitedly
"That was some of it" he teased
"I will eventually figure it out you know" I told him
"Ok Shay, I'm sure you will" he laughed
"I'm going to have to love you and love you because I've got a meeting with the guys" he said as we pulled into the driveway between our houses
"I know I've said a million times but thank you so much Zack" I smiled, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek
"You're welcome, I've had fun" he smiled
I got out of his car and let myself into my house, which was empty. No surprise there but there was an envelope on the card addressed to me.
I opened it and it was a birthday card fell out, which I probably should have expected. A check for $300 fell out and floated to the floor so I instantly new it was from my relatives from Texas who have like a billion restaurants all over the world and like to remind everyone of that by being extremely generous, but i'm not complaining.
I read the card and it said:
Dearest Shailene,
Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your birthday.
We're coming to visit you as soon as the semester ends, surprise!
Have a wonderful day, all our love
Auntie Joan, Uncle Robert, Melissa and Natalie x x x

Great, now I have to spend the summer with my annoying family.
I may sound like I'm being over dramatic but I'm seriously not; not only do they like to flash their cash, there loud, annoying, condescending and that's just my aunt and uncle.
My cousins are twin sisters who bicker over the shittiest things ever and are typical sheep, they like what ever song is number one in the chart and try to follow every trend they see in every magazine. Also, they think I'm weird because I don't do such things.
Thank god Zack won't be on tour like the last time they were here because somehow they seem to be more annoying every time they're here and without him I would probably end up smashing their heads together.
I ran upstairs and showered because I only had an hour to get ready for school, something I had not planned for at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is longer than usual I think, just a filler really.
Thank you to my commenter's

& my recommender's