Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

With Zack I knew I was safe

I got ready, including washing and drying my hair, with five minutes to spare so I headed out to my car and drove to school earlier than usual.
The day was pretty boring until last period; English.
"Hey" I smiled as I sat down next to Luke
"I've been meaning to talk to you" he said suddenly
I raised an eyebrow "Oh have you now?"
"Yeah, I was wondering if you would want to go out with me sometime" he rushed, looking at the floor and twiddling his thumbs adorably, as if all of his usual confidence had disintegrated
"I would love to" I smiled
"Really?" he asked, looking up at me as if his confidence had just shot back up to make him his usual friendly and a little cocky self.
I smiled and nodded and instantly we were being how we usually are, there was no awkward afterwards stage, we just went back to talking and flirting a fuck load, just how I like it.
When I got home I just collapsed on the sofa and lay there for at least fifteen minutes before someone interrupted my laziness by knocking on my door.
I dragged myself to the front of my house and opened the door to see Michael standing there looking angry
"What?" I asked, I still refused to forgive him
"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked abruptly, my mind instantly went to Zack, and then Luke but I ignored the thought
"No, why?" I asked
"Well because I need you back in my life Shay, all this time I've been trying to ignore the feeling of emptiness inside of me but I know the only way to fill it is to have you in my life again" he said, what he said was sweet and even almost sounded sincere, but something was wrong
"I don't want to hear it" I said, I tried to close my door and forget it but he stopped it with foot
"If you don't have a boyfriend, why won't you at least give me a chance?" he pleaded
"What, so you can fuck me over again? No Michael, I'm not going back there. It was hard enough the first time" I said but he still didn't budge
"You loved me, I know you did" he said
"Maybe I did, but you ruined the relationship, not me" I snapped
"You ended it!" he argued
"Because you disrespected my brother, my fucking dead brother! You knew how much I love him and you had the audacity to say those things, it's bad enough you thought them!" I screamed, my anger welled up and so did his.
"So I didn't like your brother, don't you think I had my reasons?" he shouted back
"I don't give a fuck about your shitty reasons!" I screamed even louder "You tried to stop me going to his funeral! You weren't there when I needed you the most and I can never forgive you for that, you weren't there for me when my world crashed down around me, you just left me there to pick up the pieces. You pushed me away!" I shouted
"Don't you think I regret that?" he shouted back
"I don't care if you regret it or not, it's too late Michael" I said quietly "Leave" I almost whispered
"No" he stated, he tried to force his way into my house and he probably would have made it if someone didn't drag him backwards.
Before I knew what was happening Zack was lacing into Michael right there in front of me. Why was Zack doing this? He knows I hate being protected like this.
"Zack stop!" I screamed, Michael was nothing against Zack, he had no chance. I would never get myself in the middle of a fight if there was a chance of me getting hurt, but with Zack I knew I was safe.
I ran up to the pair and pulled at one if Zack's arms. He looked at me and could see tears streaming down my face. He stopped instantly and hugged me apologetically Michael got up and left angrily and I pulled Zack into my house
Michael may not have stood a chance but he still managed to bust Zack's lip and fuck up his cheek.
I dabbed his face gently with a wet cloth until the blood stopped and then did his fists, which were also pretty bad
"You didn't have to do that you know" I said "but thank you" I added
"Shay, I'm so sorry. I know you hate violence and being protected but when I saw the way he was intimidating you, I couldn't stop myself"
His words brought more tears to my eyes but I fought them back and we sat in a comfortable silence until Zack's phone rang
I couldn't hear the voice on the other line but Zack just mumbled something and hung up.
"Who was that?" I asked once he had hung up
"Just the guys asking if I was still going to practise tomorrow" he said, I knew he was lying but I didn't press the issue any further.
We spent the rest of the night curled up watching Criminal Minds.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been so long since I last updated!
This ones really short...
Thank you to my commenter's, subscribers and reccomender's! (I'm pretty sure 'reccomenders' isn't a word but whatever)

Fun Fact: When I wrote this the first time round there was only going to be eight chapters so if I had of stuck to my plan this would have been the last one! But I added a shit load of new chapters and now it isn't.

Comment and let me know what you think, it means the world to me when you guys do.