Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

My Hunger Outweighed My Laziness

Zack didn't leave until 1.30 and I dragged myself up to bed and drifted off to sleep blissfully.
The rest of the week was spent awkwardly avoiding Michael, which was hard considering we were in a lot of the same classes, and waiting for the semester to be over.
As soon as the final bell rang on Friday I practically leapt out of my seat and sped to my car.
I was finally free from school, and it seemed like it was going to be like that forever.
For some reason I spent the whole walk home thinking about Zack.
"Mom?" I called out as I went through the front door. She got home from her business trip today and I hadn't seen her in three weeks
"Hi sweetie" she said, greeting me with a hug which is something that happens very rarely in this household.
"How was your trip" I asked
"Long, boring" she moaned "You do anything interesting while I was gone?" She asked. I tugged at the sleeve that covered my tattoo just to make sure she couldn't see it before answering her with a shrug.
"Well, I'm going to have a long bubble bath" she said, smiling at the thought
I went up to my room and opened my laptop, I didn't have any plans for tonight so a movie night alone it was.
When my hunger outweighed my laziness I went to the kitchen to make myself some food but I was interrupted by someone at the door.
"What?" I asked coldly as I realised it was Michael at my door, his face was pretty messed up and to be frank it made me a little scared of what Zack could do to a person.
"I need to talk to you" he said, I wasn't in the mood for an argument and I could probably use this chat to finally get it through to him that I don't want to be anywhere near him
"Well talk?" I snapped
"Can we go somewhere?" he pleaded, I knew exactly where he was taking me and I knew exactly why, I wasn't going there
"Cant we talk here?" I asked
"And risk that jackass butting in again, no"
"Don't call him that" I stated, I felt a pang of anger run through me, but he had a valid point. He just looked at me, I could see how much he wanted to leave so I grabbed my phone from the counter and followed him to his car.
The ride to the beach he was taking me to was awkward and quiet but I knew why, I knew he wanted to save his big speech for when we got there.
I glanced over at him for a second, I couldn't read his expression, he look nervous, angry, excited, scared and so much more all at the same time. I just wanted this whole scenario to be over and done with but with the way me and Michael argued this could take a very, very long time.
He parked at the beach and we both got out and silently walked towards the rocks, where we always went.
I started to think about the countless hours we spent here, just talking, laughing and making out, as cheesy as it sounds the memories came flooding back to me. I don't know why but whenever I think about Michael my mind flicks to the day he made us a picnic which we ate while watching the waves crash against the rocks and the spray cooled us down in the hot sun. That day seemed like the perfect day until we were driving home. We were listening to my iPod in the car on the way home and 3 AM by Busted came on, it was the song me and Wilson used to sing to each other when we spent time together. I started to get emotional as this was about three months after he died, Michael saw me crying and rolled his eyes. I saw him and asked him about it. He started of calmly, telling me that he was sick of always hearing about Wilson and how perfect he was. Then he went into a full on rant about how he isn't so perfect, each word breaking off another piece of my heart. Each word making my resentment towards Michael grow more and more. I mean the things he was saying I wouldn't say about my worst enemy. And then he muttered four words that should never be said about anybody, no matter who the person "I'm glad he died" I instantly broke down, how could he have said that? I mean Wilson is my brother and he said that. I wanted to scream at him, hit him, kick him but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything other than cry and tell him to stop the car. He just looked at me as if he hadn't done anything wrong. How could he be so stupid? With every second he didn't stop the car I wanted to just open the door and jump out more and more. My anger rose and I could finally find the stamina to tell him again to let me out, this time I shouted and the message got through to him. He pulled over silently and I got out, slammed the door and walked the rest of the way home. I crawled into bed that night and stayed there for three days straight.

"Shay?" Michael asked, waving his hand in front of my face to snap me back to the present.
"I can't do this" I whispered and got up to walk away
"Shay, please?" he begged as he held onto my wrist
"No, I can't be here. I can't be anywhere with you" I said still in nothing more than a whisper and with tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Forgive me? We can get past this, I know we can" he said
"I can't forgive you Michael. Forgiving you is like ignoring what you said. Every time I see you I think about that night, I think about what you said. Do you know what that's like? Its like having my heart ripped out and handed to me over and over again. You can say sorry all you like but that's not going to take back what you said. Why would you think I could forgive you? The fact that I thought for a second this could ever work again proves I'm an idiot" I said angrily I turned away from him and walked, this time without being stopped. I walked away from him and off the beach as fast as I could, it was almost twelve at night so it was pretty dark and to be honest quite scary. The further away I got, the faster I walked and the faster I walked the scarier it seemed to get.
I tried ringing Zack so I wouldn't feel so vulnerable but he didn't answer, which is weird because he always answered unless he was on his morning jog.
I put in my headphones with the volume all the way up, hoping A Day To Remember would calm me down, and looked to the ground to make sure I didn't trip over anything.
As I was watching the ground disappear from underneath my feet, I body slammed into the back of someone.
"Shit" I mumbled, as I looked up and took out one of my headphones
"Sorry" the person said,
"It was totally my fault, wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry" I apologised
"Shay" the person said and I looked up to see Luke grinning at me
"Oh, hi" I smiled
"Shouldn't someone be walking you home?" he asked
"I came out by myself, for a late night walk" I lied
"You want me to walk you home?" He offered
"No, no I'll be fine" I said, he might have good intentions but from past experience a boy who offers to walk you home could want something in return
"Are you sure, you don't live far from here, right?" he said, pointing in the direction of my house
"Honestly, I'll be fine" I said as convincingly as possible.
"Well, I don't think it's safe for a pretty girl like you to walk home in the dark, so I'm going to walk you whether you want me to or not" he smirked
"Alright, whatever" I laughed and we set off
"Do you always do this?" He asked
"Do what?"
"Go on random walks in the middle of the night?"
"No, not really" I said
"Then why did you tonight?" He asked
"Clear my head, I guess" I answered simply
"Why was it messy?" He asked, it wasn't until his hand brushed against mine that I noticed how close we were
"Michael's resurfacing" I admitted. Everybody knew about Michael and I's breakup, so I didn't have to explain
"He's trying to get you back, right?" He said
"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked
"He was talking about it in the locker room"
"What did he say?" I nudged
"You really wanna know?" He asked, biting his lip
"Yeah" I said, bracing myself
"Well, he was just being cocky about you, saying that he could get you back whenever he wanted" he told me
"Prick" I muttered
"Don't worry, none of the guys believe him, they all think he's a wanker for what he did. He's still getting shit for it now" he told me, lacing his fingers between mine and squeezing my hand
"Really?" I asked in disbelief, I wasn't exactly close to the guys at my school so I don't see why they would take my side over Michael, I guess they're just nice guys.
"Yeah, they all like you and when they found out they were pretty pissed. They think you're hot too" he said.
"Well, this is me" I said, Luke walked me up to the porch
"I guess I'll see you later" he said, I was leaning against my front door and he was merely inches away from me
"Yeah, later" I whispered before his lips crashed onto mine and the butterflies in my stomach erupted. But as quickly as it started, it ended.
"Get your hands off her" a low pitched voice grumbled from behind us. Luke pulled away and I looked over his shoulder to see a very angry looking Zack standing behind us
"Is there a problem here?" Luke asked and Zack stormed up to us
"Zack don't you dare" I grumbled "Luke, you should probably go" I warned. He nodded in understanding before walking down my garden path, bumping shoulders with Zack as he did so.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Zack?!" I exclaimed
"Wait, what?" He babbled
"Why did you do that? What possessed you?" I shouted
"I need to talk to you" he said
"Well you're the last person I want to talk to right now!" I shouted, barging into my house and slamming the door behind me.
I got out my phone and texted Luke
To: Luke
From: Shay
I'm so sorry! He has a tendency to do that x
He texted back almost instantly
To: Shay
From: Luke
Don't worry about it. Are you ok though? x
To: Luke
From: Shay
Yeah, I shouted at him so I'm not angry any more. I'm guna get some sleep though, night x
From: Luke
Thats ok then and I know you did - I heard you! Good night beautiful x
And with that last text on my mind, I drifted into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow the lengths of the paragraphs in this story really vary don't they...
Feedback would be greatly appreciated rn