Now Leasing

Chapter 1

Nobody ever liked living with me. I could never understand why, I don't consider myself bad to live with. I keep to myself and don't make much noise. Hell, I hardly ever eat. It's like I don't even exist. It must be Erik that they have a problem with. He likes to cause mischief, such as hiding things or making loud, banging noises in the night. He also liked to to watch people. That's what I think always bothered people. I would find him late at night just staring at people while they sleep and I would always have to go and get him.

It's been me and him living in this house for years now. Families come in and out. They usually don't last a month. I try to be friendly and the best possible roommate I can be. People have never like me. I've never had any friends, I'm used to it. I went through a lot of depression in my younger years but when I met Erik, he helped me through a lot of problems. He's always been there for me. He is also the only one that seems to understand me. Erik does have his issues though. I met him at the orphanage. His parents had died, just like mine had. That created a tight bond with us right away. We were very similar with our childhood issues. We felt like we could tell each other anything. I considered him my brother and he did the same for me. When I got adopted, I pleaded for the family to take Erik with me. They were reluctant at first and thought I was a tad strange but they had figured that with my life experiences, having a friend wouldn't be so bad. They didn't treat me wrong in any aspect really. They were true parent figures in my life. They weren't the richest of families though. It was apparent because Erik and I had to share a twin sized bed. I didn't mind too much since Erik and I shared such a tight knit bond.

When Erik and I turned 18, we had decided it was time for us to move out. As much as I loved my adoptive mother and father, it felt like the time was right. It took Erik and I little while to get on our feet but we eventually found a nice two story home with a completely finished basement. Between you and I though, we didn't exactly pay for it. Erik and I snuck into the house one night. It was an old historical home from the slave era. Most families that moved into these homes knew of the servant's quarters but they are normally all closed off by now. Erik found the entrance through the cellar door and knocked a few boards done and replaced them with a piece of removable drywall. The quarters consisted of a single room with a staircase that moved from the basement all the way to the 2nd story. It was a staircase to nowhere of course, since all of the rooms were blocked off. We could move in and out of the house as we pleased. All we needed was a family to move and pay for the utilities and and fill the fridge with food for Erik and I.

Families did move in but they never lasted long. I never bothered them so I was confused. Erik never seemed to like anyone that moved in but I never saw him actually bother them so I don't understand why they left. That's until the Garnett's moved in.