Now Leasing

Chapter 10

Ashleigh picked up her Xbox. She seemed frightened and didn't know what to do. She was all alone in the house and nobody was there to comfort her. She called Brandon. She explained to him how she thought that somebody was in her room while she was gone. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I'm assuming that it was just him nodding and him knowing that he was right. She mentioned how it sucked that he had to stay another night at the hospital and she wished he could be with her. After about a ten minute phone call, she hung up. She seemed to be breathing really fast. She grabbed a change of clothes and left the room. I assumed that she was taking a shower. I was going to use this time to find out what was going on in Erik's head.

I went back into our room and Erik was still sleeping. He was a very heavy sleeper, I have never been able to wake him. He just wakes up when he wants to. I just sat there for a little bit, trying to make a little more sense of the situation. I couldn't even imagine what Ashleigh and Brandon thought about the situation. I don't even think that Kevin and Allyson know anything about what's going on. I heard the water stop running. Ashleigh must be done with her shower. I started my way back up the stairs but stopped. What if Ashleigh wasn't wearing clothes? As much as I wanted to see that, I knew that I couldn't, not like this at least. I stopped myself halfway to her room. Erik started coming up the stairs. I could even say anything before he just breezed right past me. Apparently he wanted to see Ashleigh. He leaned over and looked right through the peephole. He moved back from it almost immediately and went back to sleep. I desperately peered through the opening to see what he did, luckily it was nothing, she had clothes on. There was too much going on in one day for me to actually have today's events sink in. Ashleigh was just sitting in her bed now with her hair in a ponytail. I decided that I was going to call it a night and go to sleep.

I woke the next morning to the smell of bacon roaming through the house. Erik was still fast asleep, no surprise there. I went up to the living room and checked through the peephole. I saw that the family was sitting down, enjoying a meal together. Kevin and Allyson looked like they were just living another day, like nothing had happened. I assumed that Ashleigh didn't tell her parents about anything, I can't say I don't agree with her decision because I know I wouldn't have told them either. After breakfast was over, everyone scattered in different directions. I followed Ashleigh to her room. She went right back to sleep.

Around eight at night, she skyped Brandon, who was at home now. She told him about how she scared she was. She wanted to tell her parents what was going on but she knew that they would not believe her. I actually felt bad for the two of them. It wasn't supposed to be like this at all. I used to be able to control Erik and tell him the difference between what's right and what's wrong. All of that is different now. Brandon told Ashleigh that he was going to come over tomorrow and then went to bed. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Kevin and Allyson were heading into their bedroom. I have no idea what their room even looks like. I have never seen anything other than the few rooms I can see actually. I've always wanted to see what the whole house looks like since I'm just confined to a staircase. Erik always reassured me that the day would soon come. I'm actually starting to believe him now.