Now Leasing

Chapter 11

Erik woke up early today. He went upstairs to look and see if anyone was up. The house was still very dark and very quiet. The grandfather clock sounded four times. It was 4am. Erik hadn't been up this early in a long, long time. I actually can't remember the last time Erik had been up before me. Actually, I don't think he has ever gotten up before I have. Strange thing is, I didn't wake up with him. He usually always wakes me up when he gets up. Erik peaked into Ashleigh's room and noticed that she was sound asleep. He went back downstairs and pushed the drywall aside. I don't know why but I was dreaming of this. It felt all so real but then again it didn't. I couldn't really describe it. Erik slowly and methodically made his way up the stairs and into the kitchen. He then brainlessly walked through the living and was room and towards the next set of stairs. Step by step, he got closer to Ashleigh's room. The door to her bedroom was shut. Her door did not have a lock so all Erik had to do was open the door. The door creaked open and Erik placed himself in Ashleigh's room. She was sleeping soundly. She didn't snore, at least not that I knew of. Erik walked over to her desk and picked up a pair of scissors. I was still sleeping. I was still dreaming. I hoped I was dreaming. I tried to wake myself up but then I realized I couldn't because I wasn't necessarily in this dream, I was just watching it. It's like I was ghost just following around Erik. Erik lifted the scissors high over his head; it looked like he was going in for an execution. An alarm clock went off. There was a boom upstairs with Ashleigh and Erik. Kevin must've fallen out of bed again. I woke up. I hurried up the staircase to Ashleigh's room. I looked into the peephole. Erik wasn't in her room. The scissors were on the ground.

A couple hours later Brandon came over. He looked to be in better condition that he has been the past few days. He didn't make too much of a fuss about being cut anymore. Ashleigh still seemed scared about everything though. She was no longer skeptical about people being in the house. I glanced and saw that the scissors were back on her desk. She had to have realized that she didn't leave them on the ground. She and Brandon talked for a little bit, simple small talk. They don't really say much to each other these days. It seems like their relationship was being strained by all of the turmoil going on. When it was getting darker, Brandon decided to head on home. Ashleigh walked him down to the living room, gave him a small peck on the lips, and he was out the door. I went downstairs and looked at the bed. Erik wasn't in it. The hole in the wall was still in place. I don't know where Erik was but he wasn't here. I was scared that he went out in the house again but I didn't see him through any of the peepholes.

Later that night, Ashleigh began to Skype with Brandon. They were at it for a few hours just talking about what they were going to do tomorrow. I heard Brandon mention that he heard a noise in his house. He was home alone so it startled him but he ignored it. Ashleigh and Brandon were talking for another couple minutes before he heard the noise again. He sounded worried now. I tiptoed up the stairs. I was almost to the top. Erik was creeping up behind Brandon. Ashleigh jumped.


Erik lifted the knife and slashed it across the back of Brandon’s neck. Blood poured out of him. Brandon gasped and tried to stand up. Erik put another stab right into Brandon’s liver. Brandon opened his eyes really wide, tried to say something, but ultimately collapsed to the ground. He twitched for a few more seconds and then went still, forever. Ashleigh stared at her computer screen in shock. She grabbed her car keys and hurried downstairs. The door slammed and her car roared to life and disappeared in the direction towards Brandon’s house.