Now Leasing

Chapter 6

Brandon's dad drove his truck over to tow Brandon's car out of the Garnett's driveway. I could hear Brandon's father scolding him all the way from the basement. He sounded pissed. I glared at Erik.

"What did you did that for, Erik?" I asked him.

"Oh come on, you know you liked it."

I admit it. I would be happy if Brandon stopped coming around. But I can't have him find out about Erik and I living here. That would ruin any chance I have of ever getting a chance with Ashleigh. I knew deep down that I had little to no chance with her anyways but I was holding onto it anyways. I know Erik thought I was weird but I didn't care. I thought he was weird.

I looked through the peephole into the living room. Ashleigh was crying. Was she frightened? I have no idea, I couldn't ask her. I would have no idea how she is feeling unless she was telling it to someone else. As much as I want to feel as if I was apart of this family, I knew I could never fully be part of it.

It was about 11pm now. I heard a car pull up in the driveway. It must be Kevin and Allyson. I was still looking out the into the living room. I heard the door unlock and the two walked in. Ashleigh seemed to be better now. I knew she couldn't tell her parents what had happened because then they would know that Brandon was over and she wouldn't want to get in trouble. Ashleigh went up to her room quietly.

I followed Ashleigh upstairs as well. She picked up her phone and I caught a quick glimpse of the time. It was just about midnight now. With her arms outstretched, she let out an elongated yawn. She's had a pretty eventful Friday night I'd say. She Skyped her boyfriend. I enjoyed when they did this because that way I could hear what both of them were saying and not just her. She apologized for earlier and he just brushed it off as some dumb kids playing a prank. Wherever Erik was, he was probably smiling, so I just smiled for him. After about a half hour of talking to him, she went to bed. I decided I'd do the same.

The next morning, I woke up to shuffling in the kitchen. Erik was still asleep of course so I went upstairs without him. I squinted through the peephole and saw Kevin and Ashleigh sitting in the living room. Kevin was reading a magazine, I couldn't make out the name. It looked like Ashleigh was just playing around on her iPhone. I overheard Allyson saying she was making steak and eggs for breakfast. That sounded delicious to me. Those were my two favorite meals for breakfast and dinner respectively.

"Honey, where's the cleaver?" asked Allyson with a very confused tone.

My heart stopped. Erik smiled. So I smiled.