Now Leasing

Chapter 7

Erik was clenching the cleaver in his hand. That's what he must have used to slash Brandon's tires. He handed me the cleaver calmly without saying a word. I gripped the cleaver right on the handle. They noticed it was missing. That can't be good. Maybe I'm worrying too much about it. Maybe they won't think anything of it. I scolded Erik and I honestly felt bad about. It felt like I was just scolded. I almost reduced him and myself to tears. Something doesn't feel right to me when I yell at Erik. I shouldn't ever get mad at the only person that ever gives me the time of day. I took a nap and hoped everything would be better when I woke up.

I went upstairs to look into the living room. Ashleigh was home from school. Kevin was still at work and I assume that Allyson went out to get groceries. She grabbed a snack from the fridge and went upstairs to her room. I climbed a few more steps to meet her at her room. I heard her on the phone with Brandon. He was coming over. He must have gotten his tires fixed. I couldn't help but laugh because taking a step back and looking at it, it is funny. It only took a few minutes for Brandon to get here. Ashleigh went downstairs to let him in. I stayed put right outside Ashleigh's room. It took them a while to come back upstairs. They were having a make-out session I assumed. Erik woke up and came upstairs to meet me. Brandon and Ashleigh finally made their way to the bedroom. Brandon seemed like a typical teenager. He always wanted to have sex with his girlfriend. I could tell that she didn't want to but she did anyways

"Do you have a place I could plug in my phone charger?" he asked Ashleigh.

"Yeah, right over there," she replied as she pointed right at Erik and I.

Erik pushed me away from the peephole. I guess he wanted to have a look now. I didn't fight back, I let him just do what he wanted. I didn't want to see what was going to happen anymore either. I think it's bad enough that I can hear it.

Brandon started walking straight towards the outlet. He bend over with his phone charger in hand and went to plug it in!

"OUCH! GODDAMN IT!" he screamed in pain.

I pushed Erik away and looked through the peephole. His hand was dripping blood. He was frantically sucking the blood but it was coming out too fast. He yelled for a bandaid and Ashleigh hurried out of the room to go look for one. He came back to the outlet to make a further inspection. He was baffled on what had stabbed him. Ashleigh came back and gave him a bandaid. He was going to need more than that. Whatever had stabbed him went straight through his hand. Brandon wrapped his in gauze and left without even saying goodbye to Ashleigh. Even though I didn't like him before, that made me not like him even more.

I turned to Erik and without even saying anything, he handed me a sewing needle.