Now Leasing

Chapter 9

"What do we do now?" Ashleigh shrieked frantically.

"Calm down, calm down. Do you believe me now?" said Brandon arrogantly.

Ashleigh grabbed an old looking dish rag and cleaned off Brandon's back with it. The cuts were a lot deeper than they looked at first. It looked like if he laid on his stomach and someone poured water on his back, it would flow down his back like a canal. He had to be in so much pain but he was being strong about it. He knew that if he showed how much it hurt, Ashleigh would freak out even more than she was. They both knew that nobody would believe someone or something lived in their basement. My mood started to go sour. I was beginning to believe that they suspected something is in the house. Maybe they thought it was a ghost? I didn't know if anyone actually believed in the supernatural so I don't know if that's what they thought. I was breaking out in a sweat and starting to worry a lot now. Erik actually started to sweat himself. I never knew he was one to get worried but I guess he's full of surprises these days.

Brandon was going to need medical attention. Ashleigh and Brandon left the house, to the hospital I assume. Erik and I went into the basement. We took down the tripwire that was set on the basement steps. I wanted to remove evidence of us. I know it is a very, very small chance that they will think that the tripwire was just imagined but I figured I had nothing to lose. I went upstairs. Erik wanted to go to Ashleigh's room. There was no way I was going to let him go alone so I tagged along. We slowly made our way up the stairs. Step by step we were getting closer to the top. This was my first time ever going on the 2nd story. I was very nervous. I don't know if I was prepared to go into Ashleigh's bedroom. The door was closed. It was a plain, brown, wood door. Erik wasn't so sentimental. He reached for the knob and turned it. Together, we pushed the door open. The door swung open and lightly tapped the wall. I put one foot in the doorway and then another. I was now standing in Ashleigh's room. I never thought I would have to opportunity to be in here. I saw her laptop, I saw her bed, I looked at a picture on her wall. He was in it. Brandon was not who I wanted to see right now. At that second, Erik quickly turned and exited the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked puzzled.

"To the hospital," he said.

"Wait wh-"

Then it hit me.

"You can't! Don't go!" I begged.

Erik slammed the door on me. I tried to open it back up but I couldn't. I had no strength in my body. I pulled and twisted the knob to no avail. I heard footsteps going down the stairs. Erik was going crazy! I tightened my grip on the knob and started pulling on it. It wasn't working! I looked desperately around the room for something I could use to get the door open. I grabbed her Xbox and was ready to break the knob off. Suddenly the door just creaked open. I dropped everything I was doing and shot through the doorway and down the stairs. All the doors were still closed. I went up to the front door and noticed that the deadbolt was still secured tightly in its place. I went to the backdoor and put my hand on the knob. I twisted it and it opened it. Erik could have gone out the back door and he could be on his way to the hospital. But he wasn't. I knew it. I don't know how but I just knew he wasn't going there. I went into the basement and back into my room. Erik was sleeping. The things he does I can never explain but I'm glad he didn't do anything to harm Brandon or Ashleigh.

I heard the door open so I went upstairs to look through the peephole. Ashleigh was home now. There was still nobody else in the house so she grabbed a quick snack from the fridge and went upstairs. I wanted to hear if Brandon was okay or not so I went upstairs with her in hopes that she would mention something about him. As soon as she went into her room she looked on the floor. I had unplugged her Xbox and left it in the middle of the room.