Status: wheeeeee

Come Alive

Lost At Home

Alex woke up to an overwhelming amount of new texts, missed calls, and unanswered emails. Which basically meant he stayed in his bed curled under his covers skimming through the messages he actually wanted to return. He smiled when he noticed two from Jack. The three missed calls from him mom worried him a little. He hadn’t spoken to her since he notified her he wouldn’t be coming for New Years and she wouldn’t just call him three times for no reason.

It was nearly 11am he needed to start his day anyway. He decided to call his mom back before reading whatever it was Jack wanted. He planned to ignore everything else, if it was important enough those people would try to contact him again.

“Alex!” His mom practically screeched into the other end of Alex’s phone.

He was still in bed, staring at the ceiling, “Hey mom! What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing really. You weren’t answering your phone and I’ve been thinking a lot about you. And just, I mean, we haven’t talked since you cancelled those plans and I’ve missed my baby. We don’t nearly talk enough. Your father’s been missing you too, though he’d never admit it. Oh, Alex, please, baby, come home soon. All your friends... I see them around town all the time... Well no, just, wow I’ve missed you we don’t nearly talk enough.”

“Ma, you gotta remember I’m three hours behind you over here. I just woke up. Calm down, we’re talking now aren’t we?” Alex sighed, his mom could be a little... annoying.

“Yes, yes we are. How’s your life doing? What ever happened to that boy? You’ve been up and down the news lately and I know you tell us to avoid those magazines but it’s hard not to look...”

Alex sighed, he kind of knew where this conversation was heading.

“Honey, now... you’d tell your mom if you were... gay right? Like you know I--we, your father and myself--love you no matter what and I mean you wouldn’t want us to find out about something like this in a tabloid, would you?” She paused for a moment, seeing if Alex would say something. He didn’t. “Well, anyway, honey, you really do need to come back home for a bit. The dog had her puppies you simple have to see them.”

“Yeah, yeah, Mom. Really avoid that publicity shit, okay? Things have been pretty complicated over here. I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to make it home for a while.” He was thinking of Jack. He didn’t want to leave LA for even a few days. What if when he got back, Jack didn’t remember him? What if the past week was completely lost in that dark haired head of his? What would Alex do then? Go on tour? Pretend the past week and a half never happened?

“Oh, sweetie... I was hoping we’d get to see you before the tour...” Alex could practically feel the disappointment over the phone. Shit. He’d forgotten all about the two year world tour planned to support his latest album.

He felt his chest drop. How was he supposed to leave for two years when he didn’t even feel comfortable leaving for two days? “Uh... Okay, uh, Mom I’m gonna have to call you back. Bye.” He hung up before her promised ‘I love you.’ He was too distracted.

Alex opened his inbox to read the messages from Jack. He smiled when he realized Jack remembered New Years. It may not have been the most special moment, but it was pretty amazing. Alex grumbled to himself over Jack also remembering Alex leaving right after.

To be honest, Alex wasn’t even sure why he ran back to his apartment right after midnight that night. He told himself it was so the cameras wouldn’t have too much of a field day, but he knew that was a lie the second he walked away from Jack. The paparazzi had gotten more than enough evidence of Alex’s barely drunk New Years kiss.

While Alex stared at his phone, thinking of an actual explanation for Jack’s last text, Jack texted him again.

/hey u up?/

Alex smiled. That was a text he could respond to without too much thinking. /yep just woke up. wanna come over? :) /

seconds later /want me 2 bring food??/

Alex laughed out loud /how’d you manage to read my mind/

Two hours later, Jack was sitting with his legs draped across Alex’s legs, empty chinese food boxes littered around them. Alex hadn’t looked at his phone since Jack walked in the door and it felt nice to just exist here on his couch without interruption. Alex wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but he loved the way Jack made him feel... normal. It was almost as if Jack managed to get Alex lost in their own world, may it be one of their homes or the hospital or a bar or a cafe. Alex was currently addicted to this feeling of being at home yet somewhere else completely.

“What were you saying yesterday? About our universe or something? Like existence or something?” Jack nudged Alex a little with his leg. That was something that made Alex happy too: the fact that Jack was remembering more things. That meant Jack’s head was getting better. Which meant a happier and healthier Jack. Which, weirdly, made a happier Alex.

Alex lost himself talking about outer space and his various theories. He could sit all day like this, discussing spaceships and galaxies and aliens and nebulas. Jack didn’t really say much to Alex in reply, he would just nod every now and then and occasionally he’d lean forward so their faces were almost touching.

Alex sort of wished Jack would just kiss him. They hadn’t kissed all day and Alex had the sneaking suspicion Jack was afraid to make any sort of move out of place. Well if Jack wasn’t gonna make a move...

Alex leaned himself forward this time, bringing their faces less than an inch apart. “Are you even listening to me Jack? We’re supposed to be talking!” Alex smiled.

Jack pushed his forehead up to Alex’s, “I just like to listen to you talk is all. I don’t really have much to say. You’re really smart and I never really thought...” Jack let himself trail off, not wanting to offend Alex.

“Hey!” Alex couldn’t help it when his mouth touched Jack’s just slightly, “Don’t call me smart. I hate that word.” Jack’s eyebrows knitted together and Alex smiled, “Sh, I’m not done making my points.” Alex kissed him again, “We’re supposed to be having a conversation, I like to listen to you talk too. I’m not the only one with half a head around here.”

Alex felt Jack get a little tense at the ‘half a head’ comment, but Jack kissed him quickly, “Okay then, what d’ya wanna talk about?”

They never really ended up having much of a conversation anyway.

Eventually, Jack pulled his face back and bit his lip, staring hard at Alex. “You know what sucks?”

“Hmm?” Alex was trying his best to push their mouths together again.

“The acting in Twilight.” Jack’s face went suddenly serious.

Alex pulled back to an arm’s length, “What.” Jack didn’t say anything he just stared at Alex. After about thirty seconds he just started laughing. Alex joined in, but not to the extent Jack was. He was doubled over in a fit of hysterics. “Jack...” Alex was smiling, but still ridiculously confused.

“Shhhh,” Jack said to Alex through his waves of laughter, “Shh, just,” Jack had tears down his face, “Come. Kiss. Me. Again.”
♠ ♠ ♠
shhhhhh it’s gonna get better let’s just pretend this chapter makes sense
also i was gonna name this chapter kiss me again
but no
i can’t
i’m gonna update again soon and the story’s about to pickup okay don’t give up on me yet xxo