
Rain and Tears - Eliza

I felt my face heat with rage. How dare he show his face and say such a thing. I dropped Nathan’s hand and stepped forward throwing my shoulders back to face Aaron.

“How dare you,” I state firmly just above a whisper.

“Your mother still thinks we’re dating Liz.”

Liz. I hated that name. I hated him. “She’s mistaken. I told her everything Aaron. How you’ve treated me. You’re nothing but a dirt bag. Who I have in my bed is none of your damn business.”

“Oh Eliza, I think it’s everyone’s business now. I heard the radio interview; I’ve seen the papers and the tabloids. Isn’t this everything you’ve wanted? Your name in lights all over the city? You’re nothing but a fame hungry whore,” he whispered the last few words but made sure Nathan could still hear him. “He’s just a boy Eliza. I don’t care if he’s famous, he can’t give you what I can.”

I was fuming at this point. If there was a glass of wine within reach I would toss it in his face. “I am not fame hungry and that is for damn sure not why I’m with Nathan. For the first time since I was nineteen I’m happy. If you can’t deal with that you need to leave.”

“Maybe I should leave.”

My heart fell to my stomach and I turned around to look at Nathan. He didn’t really say that did he? That had to of been someone else. Someone else with the same exact deep British accent Nathan has.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“Eliza, clearly you have some unfinished business you need to tend to. Frankly, I don’t want to be in the middle of it.”

I turned back to Aaron and glared at him, he only held a smirk on his face. When I turned back to Nathan he was already gone, walking away from me.

“How dare you drive away all my happiness! How dare you show your face after everything you put me through!” I stabbed my finger into his chest, raising my voice not really caring that the whole party around us stopped to watch. “How dare you try to continue to dictate my life! You’re nothing but an alcoholic living off of daddy’s wallet!”

“What about you Eliza? You don’t have a job. That’s the pot calling the kettle black. You have demons of your own. Does your little boyfriend know about those? Does he know the true you? The person you hide so well?”

I slapped him across the face and stormed out of my parents’ house. The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside wanting to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Once I made it down to the lobby I ran outside into the rain and looked everywhere for any trace of Nathan. He was nowhere to be seen. I hailed down the first taxi I saw and went to Nathans hotel. I tried calling him on my way but it was useless. It rang, and rang, and rang.

As I jumped out of the taxi I saw Jay leaving the hotel.

“Jay! Wait!” I yelled running after him.

He turned around and smiled but his smile quickly faded as I got closer.

“What’s wrong? Where’s Nathan? Is everything okay?”

“Have you seen Nathan?”

“No, I thought he was with you.”

“He was, but my ex showed up said some things than Nathan left and now he’s not answering his phone.”

Jay pulled out his phone, pressed some buttons and held it to his ear.

“Hey mate . . . how’s it going? . . . With Eliza and her parents? . . . You left? Why? . . ..” Jay turned his back to me and walked away. My stomach dropped further. This was it. Nathan ran for good reasons and he wasn’t going to come back. Aaron broke me and showed Nathan just how broken I was. Nathan doesn’t want that. Tears sprung from my eyes as I watched Jay pace back and forth. He finally pulled his phone away from his ear and approached me.

“Come on, let me buy you a drink,” he smiled glumly wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Did he just break up with me?” I asked looking up at Jay through my bands as we walked.

“We’ll talk in the bar okay?”

This was it; he was breaking up with me, through Jay, after only a week of knowing each other. Could I blame him though? Especially after what he dealt with at my parents’ house?

We walked into the first bar we came upon and I ordered a red wine, begging the bartender to make it a heavy pour.

“So,” Jay started but paused watching me. I raised my eyebrows in anticipation. “Here’s the deal Eliza. Nathan craves normalcy. He’s been linked to so many women over the last two years, some he doesn’t even personally know. When he met you he knew what you two had was real. It’s only been a week, but he’s addicted to that feeling. He’s never really had it. So when it comes to women he’s a bit insecure in that he doesn’t know if women are attracted to him or to his profession.”

It hit me like a crumbling brick wall. It was what Aaron said. That I was a fame hungry whore. That’s what made Nathan run.

“I’m not! I’m not what Aaron said I was! I guess, I just . . ..”

“He thought it was cool how easily you handled the press and the interview. Then when he heard what your ex said . . . he ran. Keep in mind he’s only nineteen Eliza.”

Tears sprung from my eyes as I picked up my wine glass and sipped on my wine. “He thinks I’m using him?”

Jay took in a deep breath before frowning at me, “yes”.
♠ ♠ ♠
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