Jacky Baby

Begining To Burn

Craig stormed into band practice fuming, his daughter trailing behind him ear buds in not paying attention to the hissy fit her father was throwing. “That fucking mother fucker, who the fuck does he fucking think he is!” Max and I glanced at each other and Robert sat there shaking his head. “What did Ronald do now Craig?” I asked with a sight of my own. It seemed to be a usual trend as of late with Ronnie pissing Craig off somehow some way, it was worse than a married couple to be honest. If I didn't know better I’d say they wanted to fuck.

It had been nearly two years since Ronnie went to jail and we had no other option but to replace him, which led to a mess of drama that is now never ending. I flipped the page in the AP Magazine I was reading and my eyes fell on this beautiful face. One of Ronnie’s new Guitarists, Jacky Vincent, I smiled softly and began drowning out the sound of Craig’s bitching studying him. I’d met Jacky once but not under the most amiable terms, something that Ronnie devised to start more shit with us, which I blew off because frankly it was Max’s idea not mine, not at all.

“Monte are you even listening?” Craig growled and I quickly shook my head. “Uhh sorry dude, was distracted by this article. This kid’s a fucking noob if you ask me.” Craig threw his arms up and turned around about to launch into his tirade once more and max elbowed my side knowing what I was hiding. “He fucking keyed my car! I mean really are we in middle school? I can’t even press charges because I have no proof it was him but I know it was!” Craig carried on waving his arms. “Well what did it say?” Max asked leaning back stiffening a laugh.

Leila looked up since there was an obvious pause in her music. “Faggot Bitch,” She smiled and pulled out some paper out of her bag and a pencil. :I told you not to repeat that Leila!” Craig hissed, but even I could hear her music once again. She had a keen way of dealing with her father, not that he would ever punish her for that. “Craig calm down Karma will kick his ass and he’ll wind up in the hospital for something.” I rolled my eyes, “yeah probably another OD.” He scoffed and sat down and closed his eyes trying to get into his “happy place.” Robert dumped one of those paraffin wax paper cone thingies of water on Craig’s head and max ran out of the room laughing. I tucked my feet under me, as I am fairly sure the water boiled off of his head and he punched Robert in the groin, which I’m going to guess from his next reaction of “Oh shit dude I’m so sorry,” he was aiming for his stomach.
I turned my attention back to Jacky’s picture, I wondered what he felt like, smelled like, and could hear that delicious British accent filling my ears. Too bad this will never be. He probably hates me as much as Ronnie does, because of how Ronnie blows shit out of the water. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. I doubted we would get much done today with Craig PMSing and Robert rolling in the floor. When max came back he took the magazine from my hands giving me a huge paper cut. “This is like bad luck ETF day or some bull shit,” I winced clenching my hands and Craig ran to get me a wet paper towel.

“So much for practice,” I chuckled looking at the two left in the room and they nodded and then Max looked me dead in the eye. “Dude, give it up, the Brit and the Hispanic will never be, Disney does not approve.” He winked, sometimes I couldn’t tell if he would tell me these things to make me go for it or actually give up. “First off I am Peruvian, and second, was that supposed to be a Fox and the Hound joke?” I asked nudging his hip. He just nodded and ruffled my hair as Craig hit me in the face with the cold rag, which I pulled off slowly glaring at him and wrapped my hand around it. “Thanks ass hole.” He laughed and Leila shook her head. “Yep my father and his friends are truly retards.” She sighed, probably thinking she was mouthing that to herself, but with her we never knew.
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