Jacky Baby

Falling Down

I sat reading the article I did for AP magazine on the bus, waiting to get moving again when Ronnie stormed in on the bus. “I fucking hate that God damned prick!” He huffed. I shook my head “Craigifer?” I asked half caring. “He’s the jack ass put on twitter that I keyed his car! I’m half way across the fucking country how the fuck!” I set the magazine giving him my, are you bloody serious look. “Ronnie he’s a wanker let it go.” He sighed and sat down next to me and I noticed the ad on the next page, a tour poster for Escape the Fate, normally I would have blown by it especially with Ronnie nuzzling my shoulder, but the unnatural beauty of Monte shocked me and my breath held in my throat.

“Wow…” I whispered to myself and Ronnie looked over with a snarl. “Why are you even looking at that?” I blushed and laid my hand over Craig’s face, “I’m sorry Ronnie, but the little one,” I pointed with my other hand to the petite Guitarist, whom I had met but was too afraid to say anything because of Ronnie being on the rampage. “He, his hair…” “He’s your type…” Ronnie cut me off and sighed. “I’m not going to tell you no but Monte is just as much of an ass hole as the rest of them, not at Robert’s level but close.” I nodded Ronnie was like an older brother to me and I trusted what he said, but I wondered if his judgments weren't just a little skewed, due to the falling out he had had with them.

“It’s not like he would go for me anyway Ronnie, let’s face it.” Ronnie narrowed his eyes and I looked away closing the magazine and I heard him sigh and press a soft kiss to my neck making me blush. “I still love you Jacks and I want you happy, please don’t think he could/would never like you.” I nodded and kissed his forehead. Brothers with a history I mused to myself, but I never had a long relationship, Ronald had been the longest and even then that was only 3 months. I was losing faith in it.

As I pulled my lips away I noticed Derek and Ryan standing there jaws agape a little. “Please not again guys please!” Ryan begged and Ronnie scoffed. “It’s not…” I gave a small chuckle and Ronnie jumped up with an “OH!” and went into telling the other two about Craig’s claims and they cracked up. I waved my hands trying to quiet them as the bus lurched forward. “Ron is sleeping he has a terrible headache, please do try to keep it down.” I winced. They all nodded and ventured to their respective corners to hunker down for the next leg of our drive.
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I know this chapter is uber short but my requester was begging for a chapter and I have been sick and dealing with some personal issues, but the next chapter will be better I promise.