Jacky Baby

Goodbye Old Friend

“Hey Monte how is your hand?” Craig asked walking through the door of our practice space more calm than usual and sat down. “Better, much better,” I laughed and tilted my head “No Leila today?” He shook his head and Max’s laughter was down the hall, he was obviously high again. “No she’s with my mom today, girl time and what not.” He shook his head annoyed with what he heard. We all adore Max, but we all also knew something had to give with the drugs; he couldn’t keep going like this, yet none of wanted to say anything to him about it.

Something similar happened for several days of every week, for several more months, until one day Max walked in he was quiet slightly jumpy and twitchy and didn’t look like himself, he looked sick, strung out. “Whoa Max, are you ok dude?” I asked concerned, and he looked at me blankly and nodded, and sat down in his usual spot. Craig was pale just watching him. Robert watched as silent as the rest of us for once. I shifted in my seat turning to face him. “Max, what is going on dude, you look terrible.”

His head dropped and wrapped his arms around himself protectively. After several minutes of nothing but the clock on the wall ticking, he finally responded looking up at Craig and me with tears in his eyes. “I’m…I’m going into rehab.” Craig covered his mouth and I shot Robert a say anything and I will remove you from this room glance, and placed my hand on his arm. “It’ll be good for you, you are our friend and we want you well.” My hand moved to his hair and pushed it back and I wiped a few of the tears away. “Yeah dude, we will be here for you 100% of the way.” Craig piped up and Robert Sat back and folded his arms. “He can’t stay in the band.”

I growled at Robert. “That isn’t your decision.” Craig stood up and walked around for a moment. “Monte I hate to say this but Robert is right. It would be better for his rehabilitation if he left the band.” I saw Max’s jaw clench and fists tighten. “So your kicking me out of a band I started?!? A band I asked you to join when we needed a new Vocalist!” He was crying more freely and I pulled my hand back unsure what to do. “It’s not like you can’t form a new band after you are better!” Craig said defensively. Max turned to me staring me dead in the eyes, “Monte please don’t let them do this to me, please…please” I wrapped my arms around him and shot daggers at the other two. “We all need to calm down and revisit this when we can be more level headed.” I sighed rubbing Max’s back. I saw both sides but didn’t want my closest friend to go.

Max ripped himself from my arms rubbing his face. “I see how you are just as bad as the other two!” He jumped up and headed for the door, “Max…I” He shook his head and turned away. “Go fuck yourself, all of you I see our friendship never meant a damn thing.” I wanted to get up and follow, but my brother Michael came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Let it go Bryan. Max will eventually see what you guys are doing and he will come to his senses…unlike some people we know.” Max that’s not what I meant I’m sorry. I thought to myself pushing everything back; until I had to stand up grab my things and leave. It was too much and I needed some air. As I left I heard Robert say “His partying was too much of a fucking nuisance anyway.”
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If you have not heard of this song before please go here and read the lyrics I have yet to find the actual song but the lyrics are where I drew Inspiration from http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858667438/