Jacky Baby

Doubt Subsides

The tour had ended last month leaving me with a lot of free time back home in LA. I decided I wanted to take a walk, seeing as Ronnie was off with his latest fling, and the others were with family or girlfriends making up lost time. It sucked being alone, my parents back home in the UK, and not having a boyfriend, or even less than a shot with the one guy I wanted. I sighed walking by the lots rented out as practice spaces. Everyone in LA was a musician, actor, drug dealer, or a hippy it seemed.

I was suddenly blown past by a gentleman that looked familiar, but I couldn’t have placed him if I tried. He rammed me with his shoulder mumbling to himself, and kept going like he didn’t realize he’d hit me. I grabbed my shoulder wincing. “Bloody hell that’s going to bruise.” I watched the man walk down until he vanished, and shook my head continuing my walk. I heard more yelling, but mostly in mumbles and ahead of me I saw a second boy walk out of one of the buildings obviously distraught. I stopped dead in my tracks noticing his hair. “It can’ be…” I whispered to myself as he took a step towards me and then he looked and froze staring back. Our lips moved at the same time, but saying different things, “Monte Money…” I breathed his name, feeling the warmth on my lips. He took another step towards me and I blushed slightly.

“It’s been a while Jacky,” He said trying to smile and I nodded, “I’m surprised you remember me with how much of an ass Ronnie was being.” He laughed and I felt my cheeks getting redder, but his grew slightly flushed. Why is he blushing? Maybe…nah I don’t care what Ronnie says he’d never like me. “Ronnie is something else.” He flipped his bangs back, and I noticed he’d been crying, then it dawned on me, the guy who had rammed me was Max. “Monte you’ve been crying is everything alright?” I asked placing my hand on his shoulder pulling out a pack of hankies with the other. He shook his head taking one, and rubbed it across his face.

Some time had passed during the day as Monte told me the story of everything that had happened with Max and their band as we sat on the swings of a park. He must really love Max to be acting this way, that’s really cute, I must help him get Max back! I thought my heart hurting slightly, but I couldn’t stand to see the idol of my affection heart broken. “Well, I tell you what I’m sure I know exactly where Max is by Ronnie’s tweets; if you like I can try and help you get him back.” His eyes grew wide. “No, no, no, no, Jacky you misunderstand Max is just my best friend, I don’t…we were never like that.” I mouthed oh and looked down embarrassed.

After a few minutes of silence I heard his chains squeaked and looked over to see him pumping his legs. “Thank you though, but, maybe there is someone you can help me get.” I nodded, “Sure, I like connecting people. Just who is the person?” He laughed, “Well he’s tall with reddish blond hair, with a similar cut to what Ronnie used to have…” I looked at him questioning him with my eyebrow. He jumped off the swing, and looked back “And if he wants me back he has to catch me.” My heart fell in joy and I laughed as he darted off and before I knew what I was doing I took off after him.
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Hope you like it loves