Status: One-shot

Dancing in the Rain


I pulled my phone from my purse and gazed at the bright screen.


Biting my bottom lip I contemplated whether or not to go up to his front door, he said seven, my hands were slick with sweat my heart was beating at a radical speed making my breathing come out in short pants. I closed my eyes and leant back on the head rest of my car.

Calm down Maggie.

Breath in.

And out.

I continued this until I knew that I had it under control. Once I was able to breathe normally and my hands weren’t as slimy I reached over and opened my car door stepping out into the bitter night air. I pulled my denim jacket tighter around my shoulders. The black strappy heels I wore clicked on the pavers that lead to his front door.

It was only a few clicks before I was standing in front of a large wooden door, my hands had begun to sweat again and I had to focus on my breathing. Taking a deep breath I reached out one of my hands and knocked.

Three rapid knocks.

I stood in front of the door looking down at the ground as I chewed nervously on my bottom lip. It wasn’t long until I heard the click of the front door being pulled open. Lifting my head slightly I came face to face with none other than the Liam Payne from One Direction.

How had I got so lucky?

I stared into his dark orbs losing myself in the colour and depth of them when he spoke.

“Hi,” his voice was deep, his accent rich making my head spin and my body feel lighter than usual.

“Hi,” I whispered a smile stretching across my face as I felt a blush warm my cold cheeks. I watched as he stepped aside and invited me in with a simple sweep of his arm. I nodded my head softly and stepped inside. A warm gust of air hit me sending shivers across my skin, I looked around his hallway. Photos decorated his wall, photos of him and his band, him and his family and sometimes just random photographs.

“Here, let me take your coat,” he whispered his breath fanning across the skin on my neck causing goosebumps to prickle under the sensation. Gently I shrugged the item off and he hung it on a hook behind me before taking my hand in his large warm ones. I looked up at him and smiled as he led me through the hallway.

It wasn’t long until I was led into the kitchen, a rich aroma of basil and oregano filled my sense of smell and my stomach grumbled quietly.

“Smells great,” I smiled looking at the male who was walking next to me.
He chuckled lightly, “take a seat,” he nodded his head in the direction of several stools that were situated in front of the bar. Slowly I walked over and took a seat on one of the soft seated stools, I watched as he wandered over to the stove and stirred something. Through the thin material of his white shirt I could see the muscles in his back move causing my cheeks to heat more, I quickly diverted my eyes and looked at the wall where a photograph of him and his family hung.

“Hey Maggie, come try this,” I turned back and looked Liam he had hold of a silver fork, I smiled and got to my feet walking over and placed my lips around the meat.

“Mmm… it’s good,” I nodded my head and watched as a large smile broke out across his face, a smile that made crinkles form in the corners of his eyes. He continued to stir the ingredients and I watched I quickly moved as he went to the cupboard by my legs stepping back and watching as he continued to dish up the meal.

“Do you want some help?”

“No I’m fine, just take a seat at the table,” smiling I obliged and turned walking over to the beautifully decorated table. I slid into one of the wooden, antique chairs and looked at the table. A dark scarlet table cloth had been draped over the surface, shining silver cutlery and two crystal wine glasses opposite each other.

“Bon appetite,’ a china bowl was placed in front of me and the aroma of oregano, basil and a little wine filled my sense of smell making me smile widely.

“This looks amazing Liam,” he smiled nodding his head as he took a seat opposite me. I reached for my fork and began to twirl the pasta around the prongs. Delicately I placed the portion between my lips and chewing slowly, savouring the taste. I felt Liam’s eyes staring intently at me. “What?” I giggled looking at him.

“Nothing,” he stated simply shrugging his shoulders and turning his attention back to his meal,
I chuckled lightly and continued to eat.

I placed my fork in my bowl and lifted my head, “That was really nice, you’re a great cook.”

“Not as good as you.”

“Liam the only thing I can cook is toast and even I get that wrong sometimes.”

“Yes but it is the best tasting toast,” he stated a cheeky smile spreading across his face, I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the male in front of me. He laughed loudly pushing back on his chair, the legs scraping across the floor.

That was when I heard it.

The pitter-patter of rain on the roof.

“Didn’t know it was going to rain,” Liam stated as he grabbed my bowl from in front of me shrugging he walked over to the sink placing the bowls in it. The rain fell harder and I jumped to my feet hurrying over to the brunette male at the sink.

“Come with me,” I grabbed his large hand and hurried down the hallway.

“Where are we going?” he asked laughter lacing his words.


“What?” chuckling he gently pulled me to a stop, “it’s raining.”

“That’s what makes it fun,” I knew my eyes would be glimmering in the way they do when I get excited, I pulled on his hand and down the hallway to the front door pulling it open.

The rain fell on the pavers saturating them and turning them into a darker white then they originally were. I pulled on Liam’s hand but he stood his ground instead laughing, I turned and looked at him, quirking my brow then shaking my head and letting go.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see,” with that I stepped out into the night, droplets of rain kissing my cheeks and turning my dry hair wet, I giggled as my clothes became damp, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back the droplets hitting my face, I giggled and spun around my skirt lifting slightly and my heels clicking on the ground. “I love the rain…” I trailed off, “Don’t you?” I turned my head opening my eyes and looking at Liam who was standing in the doorway his arms folded across his chest as he leant casually against the wood.

“It’s nice… I s’pose, come inside you’ll catch a cold.”

I laughed, “I don’t care, haven’t your heard the saying, it’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about being able to dance in the rain? Come dance with me Liam.” I waited.

I knew I had him when a puff of air left his lips and he pulled away from the door frame. I giggled watching as he winced under the cold liquid but continued to walk toward me, taking my hand in his he spun me around and I laughed louder before he drew me close and the two of us began to sway under the falling water.

“If I get sick I’m blaming you,” his voice was stern but there was laughter in his eyes.

“I think I can live with that,” with saying that he chuckled leaning forward and capturing my lips in his.

They were soft.

They warmed my whole body, reaching up I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands rested comfortably around my waist.

“I love you Margret,” he whispered against my lips.

“I love you to Liam.” I breathed as we continued to dance the storm away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is a little one shot I did, I haven't done a Liam one yet so I decided to do a cute little one shot.
please tell me what you think :)
comment and review all you wonderful people out there :)
