Day in the Life of Me


Just got done watching Wall-E. Wow, didn't expect it to be that good. Glad I finally watched it.

Last night I had a dream. First, my sister and I were talking about how it would be funny if my mom was pregnant again. A couple of minutes later, she was a little fatter than she usually was and announced that she was pregnant. Then, my brain began working on how I wished the baby to be a girl since she just had a boy 4 years ago. It seemed so realistic. I even dreamed that I came to this site and was writing how I hoped it to be a girl. Hah.

I've just realized that we haven't even eaten any vegetables in like, weeks. We've been eating hotdogs, burgers, pizza, chicken, but no veggies. Yesterday my mom made 2 homemade pizzas and some flat cinnamon bread. Tonight, we ate fried salmon and rice. I didn't even eat much today. I didn't eat breakfast. I had a chicken leg at around 12:30 and a ground turkey meat sandwich at around 2. I guess I wasn't that hungry today. I almost just found out that we had cookies, and I was mad. I only found out because I saw the Chips Ahoy wrapper in the trash.

I think I'm obsessed with Isketch now. I played it for probably 4 hours straight. I also started back playing an old site I used to play when I was younger. You've probably heard of it. Poptropica. Yep. You probably think that it's a bit babyish, but I like solving the problems on the islands. Plus, I found out my old account and so I didn't have to start all over.

I'm bored now. Too early to go to bed. I don't feel like updating a story or writing a poem. Every time I think of a good idea for a new story or poem, I'm away from the computer. Then, sooner or later, I forget what that idea was. I remember one, but it's crazy.

Ok, so here goes. There's a bunch of people who lives on the sun but can't get burnt by it. Then, one day, they visit Earth and think that Earth is freezing since they've lived on the sun for their whole lives. Crazy, huh? Well, tell me if you like the idea or not. I probably won't write about it anyway, since it sounds too hard to explain how they can live on the sun.

Also, another idea that I had was when humans got so advanced in technology that the technology started having minds of their own and soon took over the planet and forced humans into slavery. Then, as in all situations like this, humans started raising up and formed plans to overtake their inventions. Another crazy idea huh? Where do I come up with this stuff? I guarantee you that if I try to write about either of these, then I'll only get stuck and it will be left unfinished like all of my other stories.