Day in the Life of Me

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 9:08 pm

*sigh* Didn't feel like writing this, but what if I disappear off of this earth in an hour? I think I would owe the world my very last entry. Even though the world isn't really reading this. Probably more like a person, but oh well. Anyways, this morning I did my work as in every morning.

I can't really remember what I did after. Uh...

I know that I played Isketch for a little while. Then, I read a story on here. Then wrote a poem. Then updated one my of my stories. Hmm, what else?

Had some pizza and fries, yum

C'mon, think brain think.

I didn't really do much exciting things today. Actually, I hardly ever do much exciting things. I don't why I'm even writing this. All of my days are basically the same. I go through the same lame routine everyday. Let me just leave you be. So, yeah, bye.

Do not read on.

*Ahem* DO NOT READ ON! read on again. Okay punk, read on again.

Yeah, that's it. Come on, one more time.


Do it.

Okay, now you've had your fill. Stop reading.

You see? This is why we can't be friends.

You're just too selfish.

Grr... now you've asked for it.

Do NoT rEaD oN!

You seem to be immune to my mind control.

Time for Plan B. Read on. You know you want to.

...This displeases me.

...I hate you.

In that "cut off your head with a toothbrush" kind of way.

Quick! What's that behind you?

You're a clever one. Time for round two.

Enough of that crap. I just got it off of Don't Push the Red Button Game. Ha, well, for real though. Bye.