Status: In Progress - babyblue.bliss

A Sparrow Learns to Fly

Jack's hat comes back

Unfortunately Grace had already left by the time they found out about Norrington, well actually it was more fortunately for Alena.

Jack raced down to the beach to save his precious pearl while leaving his family up at the Swann Mansion.

"we don't have to go after him right?" Alena asked watching her dad jumping up and down like a lunatic down at the beach.

Will snorted "I'm not going! he is just being over dramatic Alena."

"yes Norrington doesn't care about Jack anymore, he always escapes from him, now it encourages many other pirates to come to Port Royal, he just can't be bothered to stop them anymore, especially Jack Sparrow." Explained Elizabeth.

"Well how come dad doesn't know?"

"I didn't know that Norrington had stopped chasing pirates "said Angelica taking a seat

Then rose spoke

"We were just told by the butler that Norrington was in sight, by that time Jack had just left for his ship. Then we were told after he left that Norrington is not taking any action."

They all looked at her blankly at first and then there were talks of ohhhhhhhh and I understand now from the rest of the Sparrows.

"He's making a fool out of himself" Alena said in a singsong voice as she walked out the door.

She walked down the cobbled path. She realised that it was going to get dark so they would have to set off pretty soon or probably stay at the mansion for the night as the clouds were a dark grey she knew a storm would be coming because the wind was picking up. Just as she was crossing the gate she heard footsteps behind her. She swung round and saw rose running up to her. She smiled,

"I'm coming with you" she said panting.

"Sure "she answered, wondering why she had taken such a liking to her.

They got down to the beach and saw Jack talking to Gibbs; Jack seemed to be explaining something.

"God almighty Jack you need to calm down! Norrington has gone now"

"Exactly what I thought" Alena added walking up to them with Rose slightly behind her.

They both turned and Gibbs smiled, however Jack seemed to glance up and then started looking around for something.

"Hmm well I guess that's fine then" he said but seemed distracted, he kept on looking for something.

"It seems master Gibbs, another problem has arisen"

"an' what would that be Captain?" Gibbs asked curiously

" me hat….. "

"…i…don't understand Jack" he said looking towards his head

"it's gone" he said glumly sounding like a child

"The wind, there's a storm approaching" rose looked up slightly and pointed towards the angry dark clouds.

So did everyone else, she was right the wind had caused Jack's hat to go flying off his head. They all heard a low rumble of thunder.

"You can come back to the mansion while the storm passes, It would be too dangerous to set sail."

"Agreed, it's too dangerous we can go back" Alena answered she noticed that Rose looked very nervous for some reason, but she decided to let it pass. Rose started heading back towards the mansion. "hey Rose?"

"yeah?" she asked brightly

" do you think Mr Gibbs can come?"

At that point Gibbs head snapped up and looked at Alena as if she had gone mad. He Probably thought a pirate like him wouldn't be allowed in such a grand place." Oh lass don' worry 'bout ol' me

"your all welcome to stay over I'm sure" she said excitedly, she did a little jump in joy that was hardly noticeable. Poor girl never really managed to go out and meet new exciting people like pirates. Those who come from rundown shabby places like Tortuga. To Jack it was like paradise.

Once Jack retrieved his hat from a nasty old man threatening to cut off his beard for pulling his hat off his head they walked quickly back to the mansion.
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I have to admit that this was a strange chapter and short, but makes sense. We meet a few more people too in chapter 4.