Status: In Progress - babyblue.bliss

A Sparrow Learns to Fly

The Ocean calls

As soon as we walked through the doors it started to rain which was good timing considering we were now inside, Gibbs was looking around in wonder .I found it quite amusing watching him, I suppose I was the same at first. They had all sat down in the living room,

"oh good your back" mum said relieved to dad, she hugged him around the waist.

"well luv" dad looked at me and grinned "luvs" he corrected " I don't think we moving anytime soon" he said sighing and dropping his arms to his sides.

"There's a nasty storm brewing by the looks of it" said Gibbs glancing out the window

Rose then looked at her mum in hope, silently pleading; Elizabeth smiled down at her as if she read her mind. "your all welcome to stay, you must."

"Won't be letting you out there in that weather" will added " we let Jamie go out while raining and that was a mistake"

"Jamie?" I said more to myself than anyone, then I realised it must have been their son, Rose's twin brother. I looked up at mum, she was looking at me at the time and she had raised an eyebrow.

"yes, he is upstairs" said rose. Apparently everyone and I mean everyone heard me mumbling and had stopped to look at me, I mean really?

"I'll introduce him to you all tomorrow, it's getting late now." Said will standing up, completely oblivious to the fact of what I said or maybe he was ignoring it to stop the silence become almost unbearable.

Elizabeth let mum and dad have the spare room, Gibbs went in the OTHER spare room, and I went with Rose. I didn't exactly want a room to myself in this huge place while the storm was getting worse.

Rose politely said "here you can wear these"

"Thanks" I answered smiling

"Call me Rosie, I prefer it." She said looking out the window. She shivered as we saw a flash of lightning.

"I'm so glad I'm not out there right now" I sighed in relief, she looked at me with her dark eyes "on the pearl, it's not that nice when there's a storm, you will nether know if ya would survive."

" an adventure though, right?" giggled rose "It still sounds like fun" she sighed.

I said i go on the floor and she the bed, but she insisted, I gave in, just this one time as I was so tired but usually I would keep going until I got my way.

The sky sounded like it was falling, the low grumbles in the sky, the rain bucketing it down outside and the white flash that lit up the room every once and I while so I could see Rosie's face while she was sleeping, it made me think about her and her life, I started to consider if I should invite her on board the Pearl.

Next day the storm had cleared, it was still cloudy outside and well wet everywhere. I saw that Rosie had gone probably downstairs, I walked to the mirror sorted out my hair and changed into my clothes and walked down the corridor to find everyone else.

I found dad sat in one of the many rooms that looked the same as the room yesterday but was in fact different

"hey ali come ere' a sec luv" I loved It when he called me that, but It was usually when he wanted something.

"What dad come on spit it out" I saw the look in his eye , as if he had a naughty secret he wanted to speak out.

He got up and started swaggering over to the table of rum, that point mum came in and Rosie" well I spoke to the Turners and they 'ave asked me if Rose and Jamie are to come aboard me Pearl, you know, to give them a break from having them here."

"that's what I was thinking of asking you today!"

" great minds think alike aye?" mum interrupted smiling the rest of the Turners behind her. A boy fairly tall with dark wavy hair who looked exactly like Will walked in smiling, so THIS was Jamie( just imagine a young miniature Orlando Bloom hehee!) they introduced.

"we better set off, Gibbs would ya mind checking the Pearl, see if shes in good condition."

Aye captain, nice ta see ye will and Elizabeth and thank ye" he said with a wink as he left for the Pearl. Mum and dad were chatting about arrangements; meanwhile Elizabeth called "rose"

"have a nice time sweetheart"

"I will mum" she said excitedly

"Alena, make sure she doesn't get into trouble" Will winked, "we know what she can be like without us around, and Jamie too"

I looked over to him to see him leaning against the banister smirking at me.

"I'm sure we will survive dad" he said sarcastically.

"Oh I'll make sure they won't get into trouble, don't worry, put them in the brig if they misbehave!" I said playfully.

"hahha ,now be good and stay safe both of you" they all hugged. They looked so sweet it was quite emotional to watch, what am saying! I'm a sparrow, I'm strong! I guess I was more like mum that way , definitely didn't want to see this family fall apart, for their sake, it would never be the same, especially we were part of their responsibility.

Mum and dad stopped talking and said farewell to them all, as we walked through the door I saw Elizabeth look slightly tearful and Will was comforting her, they will still smiling though so they were happy.

As we walked down through the town, I realised that the storm didn't have such a huge effect of what I thought, and in fact we could spot the crew boarding new supplies onto the Pearl.

"woah" gasped Jamie " this is the Black Pearl? Where you live?" he asked turning to look at me.

"yep, wouldn't want any other place. I grinned proudly "although it does encourage some unwanted pirates who want to take over" but by catching the look on Rosie's face I quickly said

" don't, don' t worry!" I reassured they don't have a skilled enough crew to beat us!" I laughed half-heartedly.

"cool" Jamie casually said. "Rosie, you worry too much, live a little." He smirked as he watched Mr Gibbs swagger over to them clearly he had, had some rum.

" captain I 'ave the rum you requested!" he boomed " lots and lots and lots and lots of it for everyone!"

"oh Gibbs you blathering idiot you weren't meant to drink it ye scallywag" Dad said as we wandered over to him with his arms flying all over the place.

Mum was giggling "oh dear" she said as she turned to the rest of them smiling.

"jack give the man a break will ye?" she called to him

"oh but Jack that's the best part, we got all the rum on de Pearl, found out that there was some left back in that pub….."

"and?" jack questioned squinting his eyes taking the situation very seriously considering it included rum.


"ok! Ok, Gibbs, shut ya trap! ya wake up the rest of bloody port royal and the dead shouting like that!

"ayeeeeeeeeeee" he called as he swaggered up the gangplank nearly falling into the water.

Dad sighed and turned around to see all of us with amused looks of our faces trying not to laugh, mum was failing. He smirked.

"aye, ye two will get used to it" he nodded at the Turners his eyes twinkling, and with that they walked aboard the pearl.
♠ ♠ ♠
so they have left now to a world full of adventure and plenty of rum involved!

i know Gibbs was a bit OC but i just had to! ... anyways hope you enjoyed that chapter