Status: In Progress - babyblue.bliss

A Sparrow Learns to Fly

The Black Pearl

As soon as we got on the Pearl, I forgot how much I missed it, the sound of the dark wood creaking and the slight rock of the ship, the sound of the sails in the wind, which then caused the crew to rush around busily getting ready to set sail because the wind was becoming stronger. When I was older I will get a ship of my own, probably similar to the Black Pearl.

I saw Rosie spinning around in awe looking towards the black sails blowing about. Jamie looked impressed, I watched smirking as he went towards the railings and look outwards and stroked the smooth wood. The same thing I used to do when I wanted time to think about things out at sea, except we were still docked at the moment.

"it's freedom" I said as if reading their minds. They both jumped and looked at me, forgetting I was even there.

"wait til' we set sail and get away from Port Royal" mum added happily as she walked past towards the helm.

I smiled "you two, I show you where you'll be staying"

I walked them first to where the crew slept, lower deck

"Nice down here" murmured Rosie sarcastically. It was dark, smelly and slightly damp, there were hammocks everywhere, I hardly ever came down here, every time I did, I felt sorry for them all but the crew seem happy.

We went up the stairs and I showed them mum and dad's cabin, the biggest, and then my cabin. I started wondering if they would even like staying in this sort of environment. I looked behind my shoulder between my hair, they both looked quite excited so I took that as a yes.

"Jamie your cabins here" I gestured "it's not too far away, I'm literally right there down the hall, but, best not go into that room… if you have any problems" I pointed sheepishly, he looked at me worried

"oh, why?" he asked peering down the hall behind me.

" oh just parents room, once I walked in at an awkward time" I casually explained leaning against the wall. "Yeah well now I don't go in there often, when the two go in, I never know what's going on, just a warning for the both of ya to avoid embarrassment.

Rosie gasped "that must have been so embarrassing." She had caught onto what I said and looked horrified

"Yeah, I don' want any more siblings

"Just come to my cabin if there is anything wrong." I told him mainly, as Rosie would be in my room Jamie walked inside his cabin to sort his stuff out.

"Rosie you're in here if that's alright, not another cabin, no space I'm afraid"

"That's alright, I always liked company" I realised she was lot like me, but just a different person, but with the same mind and in the same situation. Maybe it wasn't so bad that Grace had left, I almost forgot.

She sat on her bed "so where are we going?" She asked

I remembered that we were heading to Tortuga one of the pirate ports that were known to be quite unsafe.

I noticed she was watching me. "Alena?"

"Oh, Tortuga, best place in my dad's opinion" I told her, I felt slightly anxious, it wasn't everyone's ideal place.

"oh my parents have told me about that place th-"

"yeah come on lets go up" I interrupted

"dad!" I called as I walked up the steps with Rosie followed confused

"oh hey luveys!" he joked as he turned the wheel. "what is it that ya want from the ol' captain? Wait, not old… you get me point savvy?"

"Wha?" I was baffled " no , um. Why are we still going to Tortuga" I questioned quietly so Rosie couldn't hear.

He noticed the tone of voice I was using, " don' worry we won' be there long, supplies an' that.

"Angelica will keep ya safe" he told Rosie over my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" she asked her brows furrowed

"I thought we already got supplies? I asked impatiently

Rosie asked again "what do you mean?"

"Dad! Why that place?

"I'm confused, is it dangerous?"

"Are you even listening dad?"

"Hey what's going?" Mum intervened

"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY CALM DOWN, STOP WITH THE BLOODY QUESTIONS! A man can only cope with certain things all at the same time, now please will all of you shut it before I jump overboard!"

The crew stopped, they were shocked at their captain, looking at him with wide eyes

"What? Am I not allowed to have a moment? Get back to work the lot of ye"

They all turned away and carried on with their work.

He was out of breath now staring at me annoyingly. Once in a while glancing at Rosie and mum, he then turned to Rosie,

He spoke softly now "we are going to Tortuga a pirate town, which I personally find…" he was struggling for words… "Fun?" I rolled my eyes. He carried on

"But it can be a bit iffy, where there are people like us but, more drunk,"

"if possible" mum added quietly while smirking at me,

"SO" he said loudly and impatiently glaring at us, after hearing sniggering from his left side. Rosie was finding the whole situation amusing.

"so it can seem as a little dangerous if you are not careful or aware of your surroundings, but there is Alena to look after ya, she's as strong as anything." I smiled proudly, in a way of reassuring her

" and us too, look at us like you other mum an' dad, querido." Mum said protectively.

Rosie smiled " I know,I could trust you guys, my parents always said that they did"

" and right they are" Dad answered, he grinned and grabbed his bottle and took a swig of rum.

We were almost there; I could actually smell the place, the smell of stale booze and dirty sweaty pirates and flirty whores. Even mum liked this place a bit, I don't mind the rum here and the actual place, but just some of the people there were disgusting, she had a few encounters with them, the men were so desperate when they were drunk. All the women were attracted to dad like a magnet and all the men to mum, unfortunately me too, and hopefully not Rosie but she wasn't a pirate so she would stand out like a sore thumb, Jamie would probably end up in a fight. I can just see it go all wrong just because of a stupid reckless decision made by dad, fool….