Status: In Progress - babyblue.bliss

A Sparrow Learns to Fly


We were outside a tavern, which I was sure dad was considering going in, he was always more relaxed when he came here. You had to admit it was one of those places where you could really let go. There was no need to wear huge dresses, stand up straight and talk all posh to fit in with other people. I definitely don't do that, but I knew the Turners had a reputation so they had to.

Dad slurred "Right well I have some VERY important matters to attend to"

He swaggered towards the door "you're welcome to come in, trust me, be safer in there then out here"

What the hell was he thinking?

"Honestly, it's not!" I added as we walked in, Rosie looked at me strangely obviously wondering what I was talking about.

I leaned towards the Turners "ok we'll stay here for like 10 minutes, and then we can just go!" I whispered urgently.

There were lots of men sat around tables with wenches sitting on their laps and serving rum to them from the bar. They all were laughing, and someone was playing a guitar. The women were all flirty and wearing dresses that were revealing way too much, they were all giggling and running up stairs with pirates to gain some extra money. Men were always hungry for a woman's flesh.

Jamie laughed as a wench winked at him as she walked past with rum "it's not that bad Alena"

He seemed to be enjoying himself here, I just find it uncomfortable.

"I know, it's great" dad said smiling putting his feet on the table.

Then a wench walked over to them exaggerating the sway in her hips.

"is there anything you would like captain?" she asked seductively as she stuck her chest out, which caused him to get slightly distracted.

"errrrmm, five rums luv" he said making sure to avoid eye contact with the wench, catching Angelica scowling.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else at all to please you?" she asked playfully.

"no!" me and mum both snapped at the same time.

She walked off in a humph and dad smiled sheepishly.

"Stupid bitch" mum muttered, I tried to stifle a laugh, it didn't really work the other two were laughing too.

It was really hot and stuffy, and I wanted to get out of there especially that I felt someone watching me.

"I thought you of all people, you would like this place Alena" I heard a voice say I turned my head sharply to see Rose looking at me thoughtfully her head on one side. "Seeing as you're a sparrow" she was moving closer towards me.

"Yeah, well I'm not EXACTLY the same as the rest, we're all different" I said not really paying attention. "But don't get me wrong! I love rum" I smirked.

She laughed. "I find it too strong, but Jamie seems to like it" she looked at him disgusted as he downed the whole lot in one go.

"Slow down there son!" dad said "you'll end up doing the mistake I always do! And trust me ye don' want that mate!

But Jamie seemed completely oblivious, he was so out of it that he let a whore take his hand and drag him off, mum stormed towards them, she starting shouted angry curses and pushing people out the way to get to them.

I then decided this would be a great moment to escape to somewhere quieter.

"right this would be the opportune moment to leave" I said, I dragged Rosie by the hand out of the door before anyone noticed.

As soon as we left the door the cold sea air hit our faces.

"That seemed like a long ten minutes" said Rosie taking a deep breath "what about my brother?"

"Don' worry he's fine my parents are in there, we could look around but it be better when it is day, it be much safer then."

We starting walking towards the Pearl when I noticed Rosie wasn't following, she had stopped dead in her tracks, I was about to ask what was wrong, when I noticed that there was a tall man who looked in his mid-thirties, he had a stubble and was wearing a hat similar to dads he didn't really look very piratey. He had a dark hair that was the same length as Will's. He was leaning against the wall and was watching them intently, he seemed to look quite good looking but seeing the shifty look in his dark eyes gave me a really bad and uneasy feeling.

There was a brief moment when I felt like running, but I knew I couldn't, I just couldn't physically move,and then there would be the question where? I really wished we had stayed in the tavern, and there was a small chanced, some hope that someone mum, dad or Jamie would walk out.

I could almost smell Rosie's fear, it was that strong the sense I was getting from her "who is he?" she asked quietly.

"I don' know…. Let's find out" I said glaring back at him as he started smirking at us, probably because we looked frightened. I wasn't going to let him intimidate us.

I walked up him slowly and carefully.

"What's your problem?" I spat.

"Alena…." Rosie warned "let's just go"

He shook his head in disappointment but was smiling at the same time, as if we were children who had done something bad,

"And where would two lovely teenage girls be going in such a cold dark night in Tortuga all alone?" My blood ran cold. The tone in his voice was almost mocking, the way it went through my head, in a way that I would never forget.

"What's it to you?" I spat

"Oh? You do not know me Alena?" he asked his voice all fake with surprise as he stood up straight and stepped closer.

I stepped back a bit. "Should i? What do ye want?" I asked cautiously.

"Your parents" my parents? What did they have to do with him? "They made a deal, made a deal that would pay them a price in which I would give to them" he was using a casual tone, which really, made the situation worse. He started circling round. "IF they didn't pay up!" he shouted suddenly before I could add anything, his eyes going wide with anger.

"annnnd why do I come into this? "

"More like you both actually he said" as he examined a small pointless speck on his shoulder and then turned towards Rosie and then looked her up and down and smirked.

I heard Rosie gasp as she grabbed my arm in warning, I was also starting to get nervous, this sort of thing was always a hard situation to get out of.

"You don't even know the Turners" I said furiously, trying not get intimidated by him.

"Oh you don't know that"

"Why don't you talk to my parents then" I told him "there in there" I pointed

"Alena please!" Rosie said desperately. I wasn't ready to let him go yet, besides how exactly would I do that?

He laughed "please, it wouldn't seem as threatening if I went up to them."

"Besides I'm sure they are preoccupied with your drunk brother"

" how do you know that?" Rosie said surprised.

He raised an eyebrow and stepped closer.

" why are you getting us involved?" I said impatiently, wanting to end this.

I got a strong feeling of dread as I looked into his eyes.

His eyes turned cold "cos ya see…. That's the best part"
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:O tell me what you think!