Status: From Ficwad <3

The War Years

Chapter 1

2012, present day.

"Tell us a story, Grandpa!" The eldest of the three boys crowed from their place sitting on the ground in front of a chair, in which was parked a geriatric old man, who was nearly 90. "Alright, you young whippersnappers, quiet down." He said. His voice was raspy from age and years of smoking. The children immediately fell silent.

Clearing his throat, the old man continued, "Growing up, there weren't many green things. We had concrete in abundance, but very little living things, it seemed. Sure, we had parks. But it wasn't as great as it seemed. For maybe 6 months of the year, the ground was blanketed in snow. For maybe 4 others, there was so much dead vegetation on the ground you couldn't see the grass, or it was dead. But every April and May, when the snow melted, the earth seemed amazing. Everything so green and vibrant, gorgeous flowers in bloom....But we knew it wouldn't last, especially with the war on."

This is just a teaser. What do you think?