Status: From Ficwad <3

Lost in Stereo


When Ray came to, the song was still playing, the volume growing fainter and fainter as it ended. It was no longer midday, but near dusk and the trees for some strange reason, were looking larger and older, and certainly gloomier, too. It didn't look very inviting. After the sound had completely faded away, it left behind an eerie silence.

Ray got up and began to walk. It was obvious that he probably wasn't going to find a way home. It was also obvious he needed to find shelter for the night. These woods felt uneasy, and while silent, there was a feeling that something would jump out at any minute. And not a pleasant something either, think Boogeyman something.

Ray began to walk, weaving in and out of the trees. He couldn't find a path. At every rustle of leaves, or the crack of a twig, Ray cringed. He felt as though something were watching him. Taking a single step forward, the land below gave way, leaving him to slide down the side of a steep embankment on his ass.

When he got to the bottom, he was covered in scratches, his pants were filthy, his palms bled, and he had leaves and twigs stuck to his hair. "Fuck." He muttered, getting to his feet and brushing off his pants. It didn't do much. Taking stock of his surroundings, he saw a tree in front of him, massively huge, with an equally large door carved into the surface. 5 large men holding hands around it would not be able to encircle the entire tree. The bottom of the massive door had a smaller door, maybe 7 feet in height

Ray walked towards the smaller door.