Status: Completed

Tears in Vegas

"Is That A Problem?"

"Come on Zhenya, wake up! We need to talk about what happened last night!"

I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach, all but burying my face in my dark blue pillow. When I couldn`t breath well I lifted my head and grabbed my iPod from under my pillow, I turned it on and checked the time. It was nine in the morning. I am not getting up!

"Zhenya, please," Dad pleaded.

I lifted my head long enough to yell, "Go away!" before pulling the covers over my head. I got home late last night and I do not want to get up what so ever.

"Stop that and open this door right now. We need to talk," Kate yelled through the door.

I all but growled and pulled back the covers so my head wasn`t covered any longer. "I am not getting up until noon. Then we can talk."

"You are going to get out of bed and we are going to talk."

This time I did growl as I got out of bed and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and pulled it open and stated, "Piss off." With that I shut and locked my door once more and climbed back in bed, ignoring Kate and my father yelling about how much trouble I was in for saying that. I simply put my head phones on, put on Cradle Of Filth, curled back up under the covers, and fell asleep in minutes. What can I say, Dani Filth`s voice is soothing.

When Dani`s voice did nothing to block out Kate and my Dad`s yelling I tried to turn the music up but before I could my cell phone started to ring. I paused the song and pulled my headphones out before grabbing my phone from under my pillow. I checked the caller ID and grinned. It was Mike.


"Hey Baby Girl! You sound tired, did I wake you up?" Mike asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"Nah, My dad and his bratty girlfriend woke me up a few minutes ago. What did you need?"

"Well, Tony was wondering if you wanted to come over."

"It wasn`t just my idea!" I heard Tony yell in the background, making me laughing.

"You`re the one who suggested it," Mike yelled.

"Uh, Mike?"

"Sorry Baby Girl. Now, are we gonna see you today?"

I let out a sigh and laid back against my pillow, "I don`t know. I`ll have to figure out how to get out of the house first."

"Okay, Baby Girl. Call me if you can come over, okay?"

"Yeah. Hey Mike, thank`s for being so understanding about this."

"Not a problem Baby Girl. Not a problem at all."

"I gotta go. I need to get my dad off my back."

"Okay. See you around Baby Girl."

"See you, Mike," I murmured before ending the call and putting my phone back under my pillow.
After stuffing my iPod under my pillow as well I climbed out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door. I unlocked it and pulled it open to see my Dad and Kate standing by my door, looking very pissed off.

"I`m sorry for what happened last night but Kate will never be my mom and she needs to accept that. I`m also sorry for what I said this morning. But what else can you expect when you wake me up by yelling at me?" I asked.

They both stood there, looking very shocked. I guess they expected me to be angry and yell instead of saying sorry. Oh well, guess I shocked them. If it get`s me out of here and to the guy`s that`s fine. I`ll apologize and shock them all they want.

“Oh, I`m gonna go for a walk and maybe hang out by the beach. I`m not really sure what time I`ll be back,” I stated mater-of-factly before shutting my door and locking it again.

I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower, deciding to wash the beach from my body. I then quickly got dressed, pulled on my shoes, did my hair and make up then grabbed my phone and iPod and left my room. As I walked down stairs I was stopped by my dad, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes Dad?"

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking a bit annoyed.

"I told you. I`m gonna go hang out by the beach with some friends. Is that a problem?"

"No just, just be careful. Okay? And I`m glad you made some friends."

I nodded, "Okay, Dad. I promise I`ll be careful and thanks."

"Alright," He mumbled and moved so I could get passed him.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I leaned up and kissed his cheek, making him smile a bit. I smiled back and walked to the door. I opened the front door and calmly walked through. After I shut the door I all but ran down the driveway and started running to Vic and Mike`s house. I couldn`t wait to get out of there.
♠ ♠ ♠
After four or five months I`m finally updating again. I`m so, so sorry it took so long! I had originally stopped posting so I could finish another story I was working on and then work solely on this story. But after I was done with that story I tried to go back to this one and I got blocked almost immediately. After trying and trying I finally got myself to write again, though I am still a bit blocked. After that I decided to just get a whole bunch of pre written chapters done, so if I do get blocked again I still have something to post. Long story short, I`m posting again! Anyway, please comment and let me know what you think of this chapter. Thank you!

Zhenya`s outfit.