Status: From Ficwad and

Rise From Your Grave

New GUests

After the (Rather rude) corpse had guzzled down her coffee like the messy, ungrateful bastard he was, they made the journey back to the surface. There, they got into the Necromancer's car, driving back to the cemetery. The corpse began to act strangely, finally lunging for the steering wheel.

The Necromancer swatted him away, and said, "We;re going to get people, not drop you off." It gave her an uneasy look that clearly said that if she lied, things would quickly go south. They pulled up outside the gate.

Getting out of the car, yet leaving it running, she walked up to the gate, pulling out a small can of oil, applying it liberally to the hinges. Then, she gave it a rather hard shove.

They swang open, with barely any squealing. She got back into her car, and they drove through the gates. They crawled across the mostly overgrown road through the cemetery. Soon enough, they weren't able to get any closer to the last row of graves without running anyone over, and had to proceed on foot.

They did, going to the same aisle of headstones that Radke had come from.

As the Necromancer approached the headstone from last night, a can in her hand, the corpse let out a low growl. She ignored it, spraying a large slash mark over the stone. It served the purpose of showing her who she had already 'saved'. When she stepped away, the corpse stopped growling. Apparently it didn't like her near the grave it crawled out of last night.

Standing at the next grave, she performed the same spell as last night, pulling the dirt out of the grave. Then, she made the coffin levitate into the air. Stealing a glance at the stone, she could make out "sh y Pur". This she marked onto the coffin, before making the slash of bright red paint on the stone. Then, she dropped the dirt back into the grave. Then, she guided the coffins, still levitating, into the trunk of her car.

She repeated this thrice more, recovering a "ra Ie", a "dra Alv", and a "ist om" These stones seemed to be more worn than the one that had covered Radke for the past thousand or so years. Maybe it was of a different material? These 4 looked like they'd been killed the same day, January 27th, 2012.

She shrugged, getting back into her car, and driving out of the cemetery, back to her "home". There, her and the corpse managed to get the coffins down into her morgue. She couldn't help but notice that the coffins of "ra Ie" and "dra Alv" were shorter and lighter, while "ist om" was so heavy, the rocker's coffin was dropped onto the Necromancer's foot several times.

Whoever he or she was, they were so fucking heavy that it prompted her to let out a slew of profanity each time, each words that had been outlawed some time in 2017. in fact, she was pretty sure that the only reason she knew half of them was because of her reading things she shouldn't be getting into.

Finally, they managed to get each coffin next to a steel table. Then, came her task of cracking open the coffins. Her regenerated assistant helped her with this, with extreme vigor. It was as though he could remember the fear of being trapped in a wooden box far below the ground for so many centuries. Maybe he did.

They came up with what looked like 3 men and a woman. One corpse, under the title of " sh y Pur", who turned out to be a man, not a woman, had several rather nasty gashes all over his body. He probably hadn't made them himself. They looked like they were over vital veins and arteries. Hopefully, he'd bled out faster than Radke, leaving him less time to suffer. But apparently, there's be no such luck, as upon closer inspection, the Necromancer could see that while large, they were shallow, barely nicking the blood passageways below them.

He would've bled out slowly, trying to staunch first one, then another of his wounds.

The short man, " ra Ie", had no visible signs of death. This worried the Necromancer. She couldn't tell why this guy had died, and what needed to be fixed so he could pretty much regain a proper form of life, not a shambling zombie like existence.

" dra Alv" Looked like he (she?) had died of a gunshot wound to the heart. Might be a lost cause, but the Necromancer wouldn't give up that easily. Instead, she would try to find a replacement heart for " dra Alv" and find out why " ra Ie" croaked.

She darted across the room, and opened one of the steel drawers, sliding out the metal slab. Then, she walked back to " dra Alv", who was easily one of the lightest of the four. "Help me get this one in there." She said, lifting the corpse below the arms. Radke looked at her angrily.

"There's nothing I can do right now. He had to go into one of the drawers until I can find him a heart." She said, annoyance creeping into her voice. You'd have thought the corpse would have figured out that she wasn't like all the rest by now. But apparently not.

He picked up the corpse's legs, helping her carry it over to the open drawer. Laying it onto the sliding piece of metal, they gave it a push, and " dra Alv" was once again shrouded in darkness. When the Necromancer shut the door however, Radke growled at her, grabbing her arm with surprising bone-crushing strength.

She let out a yelp of pain, before hitting the corpse, who didn't let up it's grip. In another minute or two, her arm would break, and then, the entire plot would be absolutely useless. However, she could still work this plan with one less corpse.