Status: From Ficwad and

A Thousand Scars

Chapter 2

Before he left entirely for the day, Davey had one more thing to do. Go visit Ashley. He rode to the floor the other man was in in the elevator, wincing every time the machine creaked and groaned. It was tiny and stuffy in there, and the buttons didn't fully light up, sometimes not at all. The screen above the door that was supposed to show which way the elevator was headed and what floor they were on was fucked as well. It didn't even light up, not a single flicker from a single bulb.

The cheap linolium tiles were peeling up, and it was near impossible to tell what color they had been before. The walls were a yellowed, faded off-white color, stained by the years, with so many scuff marks and dark stains from shoes near the bottom, it was a cry for renovation. The entire tiny elevator stank of stale sweat, and something that smelled suspiciously like urine. The annoying elevator music that they played to accompany it was tinny and whiny, and definitely needed to be gone.

Davey was stuck in there for over 5 minutes, as he ascertained by checking the time on his phone. He tried to breathe in as little of the disgusting smell in that place as possible, taking very shallow breaths through his mouth. And he had thought that the cafeteria at his elementary school had stank! Once again he questioned why the hell he had taken up a job here, even if it were temporary. It wasn't like AFI was doing badly. In fact, they were doing very wonderful, with a new album set to come out in the next few months, and sales at an all time high.

Then that annoying little voice in his head reminded him, that he had taken it up on a whim. One morning he was sitting there drinking his coffee, reading the newspaper, and happened to flip to one of those jobs advertising pages. He didn't need a job, as being singer for AFI was his job. But he happened to scan over them anyhow, and ended up finding out that this crappy assed hospital needed another psychologist, seeing as the old one had probably died.

Not really understanding why he was doing it, he had called them up and applied for the job. They didn't really ask for past experience and reference, which was good, seeing as he had none. All he really had was that degree floating around. But somehow, they accepted him anyways, seeing as no one else had bothered to apply for the job. Now he understood why, seeing as the place was so pathetic.

All that had gone down maybe a week or two ago, meaning that he had just taken up to position there. And now he realized something. When he replaced the doctor that had left, he had taken all of the old bastard's cases. That old fart was the one who had reccommended that Ashley stay locked up for such a long time. Sure, it had taken 2 other doctors to agree to it. But they were the type that would easily be swayed by anything told to them by another so-called professional.

"Holy Shit!" Davey yelled, just as the elevator dinged to a stop. Now he thought that he knew his purpose! To fix all the fucked-assed cases the old fart did! How many more were out there, he wondered? It was a huge, if falling down place. There were a ton of rooms. Ashley's case was the first that he had to review, considering that he had just started.

He walked down the hall calmly, nodding to the orderlies. When got to the maximum security rooms, he simply the nurse his hospital ID. "What do ya need?" The grumpy lady snarled at him. "I need to speak to one of the patients."

"About?" She asked, boredly. "It's a confidential matter."

"These patients ain't supposed to get visitors." She said, snapping her gum. "I am a doctor here, as you can clearly see by this ID." Davey said, waving it under her nose. He wasn't the type to be a jerk, but when circumstances required it of him, he would do his very best. And one thing that he most certainly couldn't stand was the rampant ignorance of some idiots that he was forced to put up with.

Before she could open her mouth with another droll remark, he continued on, voice dangerouly low, "If you, as a worker in this place, refuse to allow a doctor to see his own patients, you are interfereing with their treatment and well-being. So, if you do not let me in this instant, I will have no choice but to file a complaint. I can have your license as a nurse revoked, and you will lose your job here, and will not be able to work in the medical field again. And trust me, this can all happen within a week."

The lady only gave him a glare, before saying, "Go in." and pressing the button that led to the rest of the wing.

After finally getting through the door, Davey made his way to Ashley's door. The orderly outside unlocked it for him. He found it a bit strange that they would think that they'd lock the patients in their rooms. And a bit cruel, too.

He again wondered why he was here. He certainly didn't have anything positive to tell the bassist. But on the other hand, he at least wanted the younger man to know that he hadn't given up on him. Stepping into the room, he cringed, met by the whiteness. There was no windows in it to break the solid white of the walls, and nothing besides a hospital bed in the middle of the room. The fluorescent lights gave a harsh glow to everything. Even the sheets and gown matched the walls and floor. Apparently whoever picked out the colors for this wing, or this room at least, was either color blind, or just plain blind. That, or they had a fetish for white.

"It's just me." Davey said reassuringly, catching the fear in Ashley's wide eyes. No doubt every time the door opened, it was someone else coming in to force pills down his throat, or yell insults at him and tell him that he was never getting out of here alive. The younger breathed a sigh of relief, in seeing that nobody was here to make him feel even worse than he was already feeling, but instantly tensed up again.

"Don't get your hopes up." Davey said, seeing the hopeful look held in those brown eyes, not unlike that of a dog expecting a treat. He wanted the other to know right off the bat that it wasn't going to be good news. At least, not for today. But he would at least know that he hadn't been forgotten and left to gather dust in the corner of a hospital wing for the next few months or years. "What happened?" Ashley asked. His voice was somewhat hoarse.

It was understandable, considering that he didn't really have anyone to talk to over the past 2 months. "Sandra and Jake both said that they'd told you to stop so many times before and they weren't going to bail you out this time. Jake said to let him know when you finally decide to stop. Sandra said it's nothing against you, infact, she loves you like her brother. She said she couldn't stand watching you fall apart. She said that she was worried that one day she would find out that you went too deep and died." Davey said in a rush. Sure, he had embellished what Jake had said a bit, but he knew that the other man was a fairly decent person, easily forgiving, and from what he could gather,the only reason the band didn't want much to do with Ashley, was because of his bad habits.

"What about the rest of them?"

"Well I called Jinxx. He was hungover, and he said he'd already told you that he didn't want to be a part of continuing your issues. He thinks that the moment that you're out of here, you're going to try to kill yourself again or something." Davey said. It wasn't that far from the truth. From what he could tell, everyone around Ashley felt that way, even though they weren't willing to voice it. They felt that he wouldn't stop, no matter what happened to him.

"Seriously?" Ashley asked, disbelief in his voice making him sound like a teenage girl.

"Yup. He doesn't want to eat off paper plates for the next 6 months."

"But he doesn't cook!" Ashley yelled. He would have thrown his hands in the air in frustration if not for the fact that they were currently tied to the bed.

"Ash. He's human. He eats. And he's not Jake, so he can't live off pizza alone." Davey said, chuckling at the thought of the guitarist's almost unhealthy relationship with pizza. "But lemme tell ya, CC was even worse."

"What happened?"

"You're probably going to get the hiccups laughing so hard but I'll tell you anyways. I call the fucker up, and he's so hungover it isn't funny. We're talking Slash-scale hangover. Maybe still a bit drunk, too! The minute I mentioned your name, he was all 'fuck no, if you do anything, I'll scream rape, cause I already said no!' Then he threathened to kick my ass." Davey said.

Ashley wasn't sure whether he wanted to laugh or cry about it. Laugh because a hungover and possibly drunk CC was yelling at Davey for trying to rape him and threathening to kick his ass, or cry because nobody seemed to want him around. A short, sharp laugh echoed around the small room.

"I knew that would cheer you up." Davey said, grinning.

"Hey Davey?"


"Do me a favor?"

"I'll try."

"Wipe my eyes for me?"

Davey took a tissue out of his pocket, wiping away the few tears that had slid down the other man's cheek, before giving him a quick hug, and saying, "Don't worry, there's still Andy. And if I can't convince that fucker to take you home, I'll find someone. Even if that means that you have to crash on Jade's couch for the next couple months."

Looks like he hadn't been forgotten then, and there was still someone watching out for him.