Things Ulquiorra Doesn't Know About


Grimmjow snarled as he was awoken from his cat-nap by loud raps on the door. "Th' fuck d'ya wan'?" he slurred, still half-asleep. The door opened, and the Cuatro Espada walked in, closing the door behind him. Silently, Ulquiorra walked across the room, and to the bed that held the Sexta. Before the other man could react, the slender Espada removed his shoes, yanked back the sheets, and crawled into the bed, pulling the sheets back up around them.

"What are you doing?" Grimmjow asked, fully awake. "Cuddling." Ulquiorra said innocently, wrapping his arms around the torso of the other person in the bed. The Panther looked at the bat holding onto him. With a sigh, he rolled over, drawing the smaller Espada into his arms. "Fine. Just lemme sleep."