Things Ulquiorra Doesn't Know About

Aizen Doesn't Snuggle That Way

I own nothing. One-sided UlquiAi. Somewhat inspired by true events. Apparently my best friend does not take kindly to being cuddled with in public. :P Warning of Alt. Universe, Female! Aizen, Female! Ulqui. No yuri, just mild, cute fluff.

Ulquiorra let out a sigh as she walked into the school yard. Just this morning, her Algebra teacher had yelled at her because she didn't know the answer to a problem. Wishing that there was such a thing as a Death Note, she flopped down into her usual corner.

In a moment, Aizen showed up, sitting next to the bat, automatically cuddling her tea (which in reality is Ulqui's tea). "Aizen-sama..." Ulquiorra whined. "Yes, Ulqui-bat?" Smiling slightly to herself at the pet name, the bat said, "I had a bad day. My teacher yelled at me...again..." accompanied by a sad half-nod. "Don't get me started on bad days." Aizen said, sipping at her tea. That's all the Aizen seemed to do at lunch these days. Drink tea, read manga, talk and draw yaoi... Such a mundane life .

"Fine." Ulquiorra said softly, before scooting so she was leaning on the Aizen. The older girl took no notice of the bat leaning on her. Feeling slightly bold, Ulqui wrapped her arms around the other, nuzzling the tea-drinking shoulder.

However, Aizen did not seem to take too kindly to this. Shoving the bat away, the butterfly yelled, "What the hell? What the effin' hell? I told you Ulqui, I don't effin go that way!"

"But I just wanted to cuddle!"