
Chapter 3

"Grimmjow?" Ulquiorra asked, slight confusion, and dare he admit it, worry, crossed his face, as he was slammed roughly into one of the white marble walls of Las Noches. "Shuttup." Grimmjow snarled as he pulled the smaller Espada in for a bruising kiss. The Bat gave himself over to the Sexta's whims, letting himself be dominated.

The large hands of the Panther roamed over the lithe body greedily, as though trying to memorize very single inch of the porcelain skin through touch. A deep growl sounded in the Panther's throat, before he pulled away from his prey, tossing the hapless creature over his shoulder and sonido'ing back to his room. Once there, he locked the door with a certain amount of finality, throwing the smaller Espada onto the bed.

Ulquiorra bounced several times as he hit the surface of the bed. He tried to get off the bed, but Grimmjow stopped him, backhanding him sharply against the face. The sound of the smack on skin rang around the room loudly, as the Cuatro fell back, his hand traveling up to hold the injured side of his face. While he was otherwise occupied, the Sexta drew his blade, holding it aloft in front of him. "W-What are you doing with that?" Ulquiorra asked, mentally berating himself for allowing his voice to tremble, even the slightest bit.

The only answer was the Panther slapping the other Espada again, before uttering two words. "Grind, Panthera." The horrified Bat looked up to see the naked, cat-form release of the other Espada standing in front of him. A cruel smirk crossed Grimmjow's face seeing the other Espada tremble. Within moments, he had slashed the clothing off the younger Arrancar with his lethal claws, binding the naked body to his bed frame with the black sash that normally held up his prey's hakama.

"You're mine now." Grimmjow snarled, crawling over the squirming body, licking a line from jawline to collarbone. "I don't even think I want to waste time with kissing." Even as he said this, he crushed his lips against the black and white lips of the other Espada, forcing them apart and plundering the warm cavern with his tongue.

Ulquiorra moaned softly. He hated what the Sexta did to him, but he loved it at the same time. How could something so wrong feel so right? Grimmjow withdrew his mouth suddenly, leaving the Bat breathless and panting. "You like that, don't you, you filthy little whore?" He snarled, nipping the neck of his uke, drawing blood.

Ulquiorra's moan of pleasure quickly turned to a scream of pain. Laughing in his psychotic manner, Grimmjow lapped up the blood, nuzzling his prey's neck in a kitten-like manner, before leaving hickeys across the neck and collarbone of his pet. Within moments, he had just turned an unwilling participant into a moaning, writhing mess on the bed below him. He knew that he was on the right track when he felt something hard pressing against his thigh. "So fucking eager." He said into the white ear, before nibbling it softly, sending the other Espada into more shivers.

The Cuatro let out another whimper. Sitting up somewhat straight, Grimmjow set three of his fingers in front of his uke's mouth. The poor creature obviously wasn't moving fast enough for him, because he said, "If you don't suck on them right now, I'll take that tight little ass of yours dry."

After that statement, Ulquiorra couldn't get the digits into his mouth fast enough. In fact, in his haste, he nearly managed to choke himself on them. His tongue swirled around them, tickling the calloused pads of the fingers, coating them thoroughly in saliva. A moment later, the Sexta yanked the fingers out of his uke's mouth, deeming them wet enough. The smaller Espada whimpered as he felt the first spit-slicked digit pressing up against his entrance.

"G-Grimmjow..." He whined softly, tugging at the bonds that held him. "Shut up, or I'll shut you up." The Sexta growled, shoving his finger into the tight heat of the Cuatro. Ulquiorra let out a short, pained yelp, reminiscent of a small animal whose foot has just been stepped on.

His head fell back, spilling his hair across the pillow. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Seeking to distract him, the Sexta drew him into a kiss as he started to move the finger in and out of his uke, before adding a second. "So fuckin' beautiful." Grimmjow said, licking the tears away from the cyan marks on his lovers face. When the third finger went into him, Ulquiorra nearly screamed. Seeing his pet in pain, the panther crooked his fingers just enough to brush up that one special bundle of nerves inside the Bat's fragile body.

Ulquiorra moaned loudly, rocking his hips back to get his seme's fingers to keep hitting that one spot inside of him. After another few thrusts that had him seeing starts, Grimmjow took his fingers out of the body of his uke, earning him a soft whimper of disappointment. "Trust me, this is going to be much better than my fingers." Grimm said, before lining himself up with his pet's entrance. Emerald eyes went wide, as the owner of the eyes felt something large probing at his entrance. In one single snap of his hips, the Sexta sheathed himself completely in the body of the boy below him.

Ulquiorra's head fell back again, as he screamed, this time in pain. Tears started to flow again, this time more fluidly than the first set. Grimmjow held himself completely still, willing himself not to pound mercilessly into the tight heat below him. His hands wandered up and down the sides of the porcelain body below him, as he dropped soothing kisses onto the smaller creature's face and neck, effectively calming the creature. The Cuatro relaxed against the material that held him captive, as he got used to having something so large inside of him. No matter how many times that he was with Grimmjow, he never failed to be amazed by the size of the Sexta's organ, nor to be caused pain by it, even unintentionally.

"M-Move." The bat demanded, moving his hips as much as he could while held captive in order to prove that he was ready. Chuckling softly, the panther started off slowly, before beginning to pound into the younger Espada, holding his hips so tightly that they would surely bruise. Ulquiorra screamed in pure ecstasy every time that one bundle of nerves was pummeled and abused. As he lost himself in his passion, he felt something else prod at his already stuffed hole.

He looked up, the fear obvious in his wide eyes. "N-no Grimmjow. Not your tail too. Please no. I'll tear!" He yelped in his panic and fright. "You'll love this. Besides, you always look the most beautiful when you're crying and in pain." Grimmjow said, before shoving his tail harshly into the entrance of the Cuatro.

The smaller Espada screamed, back arching painfully, as both the tail and the organ slammed into his body, forcing him above his limits. "No! Stop! Please!" He whimpered out, straining away as much as he could. Shifting the direction of his thrusts, Grimmjow once again struck that bundle of nerves inside the Emospada, causing him to shriek and squirm in pleasure. Due to the extra help of the tail, Ulquiorra came hard against his and Grimmjow's stomach's within minutes.

The Sexta followed not far behind, as he came with an animalistic scream, spilling his hot seed inside of the bat's hole. He collapsed onto the other man, panting hard. A moment later, he righted himself, pulling his tail and now flaccid organ out of the spent uke. Quickly getting dressed, the teal-haired being was at the door, when a clear voice called him back. "Wait. You're not going to leave me here, are you?"

"Yes. And the longer you keep me here, the longer I'll make you wait. Just be happy I'm in too good of a mood to leave you here til time for the meeting tomorrow, for your precious Aizen-sama to find like this."