Nnoitra's How to Get Kicked out of Walmart

Chapter 4

It's 3 AM. Nnoitra has sneaked out of Hueco Mundo, along with Ylfordt. They were headed into Walmart, to wreak some havoc. They walk in, ignoring the greeter. Who the fuck has a greeter stationed there at fucking 3 in the fucking morning? Anywhore, Ylfordt turned to Nnoitra and asked, So what're we gonna do?

Probably go in the undies section... Duh! Nnoitra said, making a beeline to the womens underwear area. And coming out of the dressing room, who should they see but Grell?



Oh my gosh, what're you doing here? Grell squealed, attacking the blonde in a huge hug.

Don't forget our mission! Nnoitra yelled.

Of course! The mission! You're gonna help us, Grell! Ylfordt yelled, dragging the red-head back into the dressing room. Nnoitra followed.

15 minutes later, they emerged, Grell wearing lacy red women's underwear and a bra, which Nnoitra and Ylfordt had both glared at him for. You're a man, ya don't got tits! Was the Spoon's take on it. Oh, but a proper lady never goes out without wearing a brassiere, regardless of her bust size! Grell said, batting his eyelashes. The Spoon was left rolling his eye. Ylfordt came out wearing overly short shorts and a baggy tank top. Thankfully he was decent enough to spare us the sight and shave his body hair.

Nnoitra, however, (of course) wasn't so easy on the eyes. He too, wore booty shorts, and a string bikini tank top, showing off hairy legs, pits, stomach, and chest. Lets go!

Soon, they rigged up a stereo system to blast raunchy songs, and they began to dance, jumping on a display bed like it was a trampoline. As it was nearly 4 AM by the time they managed to get to this stage, nearly nobody was around, so there was nobody to complain about the unsightly sight. However, nearly 2 hours later, the night shift manager walked over to them. He looked like he was a college kid barely into his second year, and he seemed quite bewildered with what to do with the trio in front of him, besides shield his poor, tormented eyeballs.

The poor guy looked traumatized. Uh... Sirs? He asked. Da fuck ya want! Nnoitra yelled back, continuing to bounce on the bed, adding in a few toe-touches like the sort that cheerleaders do for emphasis. Who knew the overgrown bastard could be so flexible? You're... eh... disturbing the... um... other... uh... people... the manager said, his eyes wide. Then, woe of woes, the song Gungdam Style began playing on the radio. The trio, still bouncing on the bed, exchanged a look, before all 3 yelled, in sync with the song, OPEN CONDOM STAR!

The manager rolled his eyes, and walked off. Let the day manager deal with these idiots.