Marvelous Misadventures

Chapter 5

"Good morning, Lord Aizen! I have a new plan for spreading JUSTICE! The speech reads as such: Hello, civilian. My name is Kaname Tosen. I am here today to speak to you about Justice and the Path of Least Bloodshed." Tosen said,as he walked into the throne room. Aizen and Gin were both there, and cringed when Tosen said the J word.

"Tosen, tu necesita hablar en Espanol. Nosotros es en Hueco Mundo, no de Sereitei." Aizen said, before Gin added in, "Si, Tosen, Senor Aizen es exacta. Tu serio necesita hablar en Espanol."

Tosen nodded, before he walked out of the throne room, and down one of the numerous hallways of Hueco Mundo. And who should he run into but a marauding Grimmjow and Ylfordt? The duet were out prowling in search of causing some sort of disturbance, and who should they chance upon, but a certain Justice loving bastard of the nth degree?

"Oye! Maricon!" Grimmjow yelled at Tosen. However, Tosen simply asked, "You speak Spanish?"

"Uh yeah. Puta esupida." Grimmjow replied.

"Well then help me translate this speech to give to Aizen." Tosen said, waving a rather large stack of papers at Ylfordt and Grimmjow. They cringed for a moment, before they looked at each other and grinned widely.

Several hours later Tosen walked back into the throne room, a grin plastered onto his face. Without waiting for the other two men in the room to acknowledge him, he began spouting, in a horrid Spanglish accent, "Hola, Gin tu maricon, y Senorita Aizen! Soy nombre es Tosen, y soy es una negro fayo y estupida. Yo tengo una culo grande, y mi es muy perezoso y una idiota. Soy es estas para la promocion de Justicia."

Needless to say, Tosen was promptly laughed out of the throne room by Aizen and Gin.