Some Things You Just Can't Forget


He watched from a distance as the tears slid from her emerald eyes down her wind reddened face to her pink lips, he wasn’t sure why but all he wanted to do was caress her cheek wipe away her tears and embrace her… but he didn’t know who she was and that frustrated him. This girl did things to him and he didn’t even know her name, today was the day. He had watched from a distance long enough, even if she rejected him completely he needed to know her name.

“Miss,” he said quietly placing a hand on her shoulder handing her his handkerchief “it’s quite chilly today, I’d hate to see you catch a cold.”

“Thank you sir,” holding back a sniffle she looked up “th.. that’s very kind of you. I should be going though.”

As she got up and started walking away he hollered after her, “Wait, before you go can I have your name?”

She hesitated contemplating on if it was a good idea, “Aislinn.”

She said at last disappearing into the crowd of people

Aislinn, he thought, such a unique name for such a pretty girl. This girl had been haunting his dreams and he had no idea why. He sees her everywhere and it drove him crazy not knowing who she was. He watched her petite figure disappear into the crowd thinking of her heart shaped face, the way her auburn hair fell in soft waves down to the middle of her back. But mostly he thought of her beautiful eyes and how they held so much pain, so much fear. He stood there looking after the girl until the sound of his brother’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Gerard!” the man yelled running over to him, “Where the hell have you been we’ve been looking all over for you!”

Gerard looked over his shoulder one last time to see if he could see the girl, “sorry Mikes,” he sighed disappointed.

“You look off man, what happened to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“No ghost man, just a girl.”

“Awww Gerard is love struck!” another voice yelled from behind Mikey

“No he’s not love struck he’s stupid.” Came another

“Come on guys leave him alone, can’t you see he’s upset.” Someone else laughed

Mikey smirked at his brother, “Looks like the gangs all here.”
Gerard looked at his friends, Frank, Bob, Ray and of course his brother Mikey. Slightly aggravated that they were making fun of him he picked up a fork from where the girl had been sitting and threw it into the group. It made contact with a dumbfounded Frank and all the others started to laugh.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Frank yelled at Gerard.

This made him smile, “That’s what you get for laughing at me!”

This sent all the boys into a fit of laughter as they sat down. Yeah, this was going to be a good day. Or at least he hoped.