Some Things You Just Can't Forget


Once out of sight, Aislinn perched herself in a tree watching the man that had given her his handkerchief. The way his shaggy black hair fell over his face trying to hide the fact he was watching her earlier, how his hazel eyes had shown so much concern for her even though she didn’t know him. She had seen him before out and about, they weren’t following each other they just always seemed to be in the same place at the same time, but that wasn’t where she knew him from. He looked like someone she used to know, someone from her childhood that has been long since forgotten. She laughed quietly to herself how nice would it be to know his name, to be able to go out with him…to actually be loved. The thought was quickly expelled from her mind no one would ever love her. Tears slid down Aislinn’s face, remembering what she is. A vampire, a monster an empty broken shell void of the person she had been so long ago. She began to grow angry despising herself and the monster that had done this to her.

“I’m not the monster, he is.” She spat “He did this to me he made me who I am.”

Tears began falling from her eyes for the third time that day she knew what was coming to her once she got back to the house.

He was going to beat and torture her, just for telling that guy her name. She cringed at the sound of his voice.

“Aislinn, come down from there darling.” His eyes glimmering with hate

“You don’t own me, Joshua.” She growled

She felt the breath on the back of her neck before she heard his voice and felt the grip of his icy hands around her throat, “That’s where you’re wrong.”

She struggled against his grip, fear rising in her chest. Aislinn knew better than anyone how angry he could get, and what he put that anger into. They all hated her, but Joshua…Joshua had some sick twisted pleasure in making it known. They passed her around like she was scum. Like she was just a whore to beat on, no one ever tried to help her. Her eyes burned at the thought of the one girl who did try, the only girl that ever befriended Aislinn.

She felt a fist come into contact with her face, “Worthless girl, listen to me when I talk to you!”

Aislinn whimpered in his grasp tears falling from her eyes she knew tonight was going to be the worst kind of hell he had ever put her through.

“We are going home,” he growled “and don’t think I missed you talking to that boy. You know better than to talk to anyone, you’ll be lucky if I ever let you out in public again.”

He threw her from the tree she was perched in, screaming in anger on her way to the ground. Once she hit, she welcomed the darkness that enveloped her.


Gerard’s head snapped up at the sound of a scream. The sound so familiar, but he can’t remember where he had heard it before. He had done well to forget his past and everyone in it, other than the five guys sitting with him at the café.

Mikey put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “She’s gone Gee, you’ve been looking for ages. How do you even know she’s here?”

“More importantly,” Frank started trailing off

“How do you know she didn’t make it out of the fire?” Ray finished flatly

“I just know guys.” He hesitated slightly “I met a girl today, that reminded me so much of her, even had her name.”

“You can’t be serious,” Bob growled “we’ve gone with you to hell and back. Have been damned because of you and in every city we go to you find someone that reminds you of her. Now you found a girl with her name. As uncommon a name as Aislinn is, it’s just a coincidence. She’s dead Gee. Why can’t you just accept that.”

Frank had stayed quiet, looking very pained.

“You’re thinking of her again, aren’t you?” Gerard asked

All eyes turned to Frank as he sighed deeply, “I just miss her is all. I don’t want to accept that she is dead but I can’t handle the disappointment anymore.”

He pulled a picture out of his coat pocket, old and slightly faded brought back so many memories from so long ago. It was a picture of the five of them, and two girls. His Aislinn and Frank’s sister, those girls were the most beautiful of all the girls in the whole town. Every guy tried to get into their graces but they just wouldn’t have it. They all looked deep in thought, remembering the days when things were so simple. When vampires didn’t exist you just lived, you worked got married had kids and you died. He remembered the way her auburn hair fell, and how her emerald eyes sparkled when she smiled the way her hand felt in his. Gerard just stared down at the picture thinking back to the day that picture was taken; the day she disappeared.


“Gerard, stop it!” she giggled

He smiled down at her, “Awe come on you know you like it.” He teased tickling her sides again

She rolled over on her side to face him. Her eyes very sad, “You know, daddy won’t like this I shouldn’t even be here.”

“It shouldn’t be like this,” He said sounding angry “Your father said it was me you were to marry. I made sure of it.”

Aislinn put her hand on his cheek, “I don’t want this, I would run away with you in a heartbeat.”

“Then let’s run away! We won’t tell anyone where we are going, meet me here once they are in bed and we will share our lives together like how it’s meant to be.” He put his hand over hers, “I don’t like this Joshua he’s no good for you.”

“Come on you guys, their ready to take the picture!” a female yelled

She kissed his lips gently, “Once they're all asleep, I’ll meet you here. Promise you’ll take care of me Gerard.”

“I promise, I will never let anything hurt you.”


Tears welled in Gerard’s eyes, they were all right. No matter how much he wanted to believe he could find her, how much he wanted the girl he met earlier to be his Aislinn. He knew they were right, she very well could be dead and he could be chasing after a ghost. But that wasn’t going to stop him. No, he needed to find out for sure that this girl with an uncanny resemblance to the girl he loved was in fact his and if she wasn’t he wasn’t quite sure what he would do. This Aislinn had to be his Aislinn. Gerard wasn’t sure why but somewhere deep down he knew he was right. He had to be…