Some Things You Just Can't Forget


As Aislinn awoke she noticed she was chained up in the basement of her prison. The scene was all too familiar that it brought tears to her eyes. She was in the same spot, in a different house where she had met Tessa. She was the one who had brought Aislinn her food and water, the only girl she could ever call a friend.

Tessa wasn’t much older than Aislinn, but she regarded her as a sister all the same. She looked after Aislinn, showed her the ropes once she was turned. The first few months of Aislinn’s being a vampire weren’t so bad, she still resented Joshua for what he did, but at least she had Tessa.They were inseparable, best friends that did everything together. Until everything broke down and Aislinn’s world shattered in front of her, they told her that she had to leave her home. Even though everyone from her old life thought she was dead there was one boy she would watch from a distance. She can’t remember his name or what he looked like but she remembered that he loved her. She never forgot the last time she heard his voice, though overtime she forgot how it sounded. He was arguing with his friends, telling them he knew her death was no accident and that her body was never found, so for all they know she could still be out there and he would look for her until the end of time. That is what kept her going that is what made her remember who she was. What saved her sanity through all the torture, even though he has been dead for some time now his love kept her as alive as a vampire can be.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of whimpers on the other side of the basement.

“Is there anyone there?” the voice cried, “Please help me.”

“What is your name, how long have you been down here?” Aislinn’s voice was hoarse barely audible

“It’s Sabrina,” she sniffled “and I don’t know how long I’ve been down here. I’m so scared.”

Aislinn didn’t say anything for a while this whole scene reminded her of what had happened to her. The boy her father wanted her to marry, the same boy that killed her family in a fire and made her what she is. Joshua. His name made her skin crawl; she vowed a long time ago that she would be the one to end his life, but she has long since lost all the fight within her.

“He..Hello?” Sabrina sniffled again

“I didn’t go anywhere,” she rattled the chains “My name is Aislinn.”

“My brother and I,” she started “we knew an Aislinn once. It was a long time ago.”

“How did you get down here, Sabrina?”

“I was brought here; I haven’t seen the outside for so long. They say I have too much fight and that if they don’t keep me chained up that I’ll keep trying to escape.”

“I lost all my fight a long time ago, don’t lose yours and don’t forget who you are.”

“I can’t forget, it’s my fault that I’m here. My brother, Frankie, Frankie told me to stay put not to follow him but I didn’t listen. She was my friend too I wanted to help find her.” She started crying again

“How old are you?” Aislinn asked confused

“I was 17 when they got me and turned me that was such a long time ago though. Aislinn, she was 18 we didn’t even know if she was still alive but we had to keep looking. Gee didn’t think she was they only found three bodies in the ashes, she wasn’t there.”
Aislinn’s head started spinning, with all the talk of ashes and bodies. Her family, her mother Lilith, her father Brian, and her little brother Caleb they were all in the house when it burned. If she can’t remember anything from her old life, she remembers that night.


Pretending to be sound asleep in her bed Aislinn waited until she knew her parents were fast asleep. She was giddy with excitement; her bag was packed with just a few changes of clothes. It was only a matter of time before she would sneak out her window to meet her beloved. Once she knew they were fast asleep she got out of her bed and grabbed her shoes and bag from under the bed.

A figure stepped out from the dark corner of her room, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Oh, Joshua you startled me. How did you get into my house?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.” His eyes flashed red “I know you’re going to meet him. You’re mine!”

“You don’t own me Joshua!” she said trying to shoulder past him.

He stopped her slamming her into the wall, “That my dear is where you are wrong. I will make you my bride, and you will be mine for all eternity.”

With that he threw her over his shoulder and jumped from the window. She heard the sound of screams over her own and looked up. Her home with her family inside was up in flames, Joshua just stood there laughing. There wasn’t anything she could do, her family was gone she heard screaming in the distance.


She tried to scream for him but Joshua covered her mouth, the boy she loved tried to run into the fire but a group wouldn’t let him.

“She’s still in there!” he screamed “I have to save her.”

“I won’t let you go in there, you’re all the family I have left!” a boy yelled

He collapsed onto the ground, and Joshua took off into the forest. She could still hear his sobs in the distance.


Could it be that she knows this girl?