Some Things You Just Can't Forget


Aislinn stared off into the vast darkness that she and Sabrina were closed into, the other girls’ sniffles echoing off the walls. Aislinn was lost in thought, a flash back of the last day they were all together. This is the first time in a very, very, long time she had allowed herself to look into any other part of her past than what Joshua had done to her. What he had took from her.


“Come on you guys, they're ready to take the picture!” a female yelled

She kissed his lips gently, “Once they're all asleep, I’ll meet you here. Promise you’ll take care of me Gerard.”

“I promise, I will never let anything hurt you.”

Standing up slowly, gathering the skirts of the dress her dearest friend had just finished making for her birthday, Aislinn smiled. Despite what promises were broken, and how devastating it was going to be to leave her family behind Aislinn was determined to have an enjoyable time. Once they left this hillside she and her friends, and her beloved called their own. A secret they all shared, a place where they went to just escape.

“Sabrina, darling you look beautiful.” Aislinn smiled to her dearest friend.

She was certainly a sight, Sabrina was. Her hair dark as a ravens feathers, just like Frank’s. The only difference were the eyes, hers were such a beautiful sapphire blue. The color of which everyone assumes came from her mother, but since she died birthing her twins to the world it will remain a mystery. She was arguably the most beautiful woman in this town, and in her dress she was stunning. The dress she had on, she had been saving and working on for over a year now and it paid off. Her gown was made from a royal blue satin material with black satin underneath. The dress was sleeveless, the bodice hugging her perfectly where it should coming down to floor length the blue satin was ruched about half way down the skirt leading into the black satin that hit the floor. Stunning, utterly stunning Sabrina was, looking down at the beautiful gown she had on Aislinn realized she was stunning too. The only differences in the gowns were the colors, where Sabrina’s was a beautiful sapphire blue Aislinn’s was a beautiful plum color to accent her emerald eyes.

“As do you, my friend.” She smiled back dipping her head.

Turning back to Gerard, Aislinn smiled, “Catch me if you can, handsome.”

“Oh, you are so going down,” he growled jumping up after her.

Giggling, she ran up and hid behind Robert, “You’ll protect me won’t you Robert?”

He put his arm around her gently, like a protective older brother, “Oh, my dear Aislinn,” he sighed, “given different circumstances I would say yes in a heartbeat. However, we have to play the hand that we all have been dealt, and I will not keep you from my dear friend Gerard. The loss of you would kill him.”

She regarded him for a moment and realized that he was right, so she stepped out from behind Robert and regarded her beloved. He was handsome, and he was her everything, time stopped whenever she gazed into his hazel eyes only to start moving again when he wrapped his arms around her. They stood for a moment just lost in the others gaze, relishing the feel of their embrace.

A flash of light startled them, “Such a beautiful vision,” the photographer sighed, “This, This is what true love looks like.”

“Okay guys,” Michael called, “let us get this group photo over with. They will be expecting you soon Aislinn.”

“You made my dress,” brought back to the present, Aislinn was terrified by the words she muttered,
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure where that came from.”

A soft gasp in the corner brought her head up, “It is you.”

“No, I’m sorry everyone in my past died a long time ago.” Aislinn muttered, “I try not to dwell much, the losses hurt too much.”

The door at the top of the stairs opened revealing a dark figure at the top of the stairs, “I see the two of you old friends are bonding after so much time apart.”

The sound of his voice made Aislinn cringe, and she heard Sabrina whimpering.

“Bring in others, I want the two of these women washed and dressed in the gowns I have laid out for them.” Joshua shouted over his shoulder and clapped, “I’m going to throw a ball!”

“I am not some doll that you can play dress up with,” Aislinn spat, “I refuse to put it on and be a puppet, you have already ruined my existence by taking me from the one I love.”

Joshua dropped down to her level, “You will do exactly as I say,” he paused looking over to the corner, “both of you, or I will kill you Sabrina, right in front of Aislinn."

Joshua got up and walked to the door, giving orders and mumbling something about a guest list. While the others filed in Aislinn didn’t fight as they man handled her over their shoulder. Looking over in the corner Sabrina was doing the same thing, it’s a good thing too. Joshua didn’t give out threats lightly, he usually follows through with the things he says.

“Well,” Aislinn mumbled quietly to herself, “let’s get this over with.”