
Foreign Language

I own absolutely nothing. This is a song fic to Anberlin's 'Foreign Language"

Aizen was a mystery to those around him. His devious behavior while in the Soul Society had gone unnoticed. His betrayal had shocked everyone. Absolutely no one had seen it coming. No one had realized what had happened that night when the Vizards had been created. They hadn't realized that Aizen was the cause of it. Nobody had ever thought that Aizen wasn't the saint he had pretended to be.

Nothing that he ever said was straightforward. His lectures to his Espada were always going in circles, and branching off into tangents. When speakng to Tosen and Gin, he still spoke in parables. Even Ichimaru, the one who could claim that he knew Sosuke Aizen for the longest time, still could not say that he understood what Aizen said. In fact, he could not even say that he had the slightest inkling as to what Aizen was really thinking.

He could never be at ease. Every singly word the former captain said, no matter how small, and mundane, could have detrimental importance. It could be something as simple as "Would you like more tea?", yet it could hide oceans of meanings in it. How you answered could mean the difference between Aizen making you the ruler of a small nation, or killing you on the spot.

Every single word that Aizen said was in code. And nothing that he said, Gin could ever understand. He was helpless to the whims of Aizen. After all, the brunette was a master of deception. And to speak in a code, a forgein language, so to speak, was just another part of the deception. Gin could only hold on for the ride and hope he guessed the right meaning of what Aizen said, before it was too late.