Status: From Ficwad <3

My Humorous Romance

Mah Nigga

Mikey walked into his house one afternoon afterschool, and saw his older brother Gerard sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and drawing. "Wazzup, mah nigguh?" Mikey asked, slamming the door shut. Gerard had been away at college for a while, and knew nothing of his younger brother's transformation from nerd to ghetto-fabulous. He looked up in confusion, and asked, "Mikey? What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said, 'wazzup, mah nigguh'." Mikey said, looking at his older brother with all seriousness. "Mikes, I'm not black, and I'm nobodies 'nigguh'. Call me that one more time, and I'm going to kick your ass." Gerard said, glaring angrily. Smiling slightly, Mikey said, "So then.... Wazzup, mah non-nigguh?"