Stay Alive Tonight

Chapter 2

The next morning, after breakfast and coffee, they guys all left on their separate ways home. Brendon had asked Ryan if he wanted him to walk him home. But Ryan had refused, sayng that he would be okay.

The truth of the matter was, he didn't want anyone to be there to witness him break down. He pretended he was fine, walking down the street and to his apartment building. He entered his apartment, locking the door behind him. He walked into his bathroom, still acting okay.

The moment he was inside the bathroom, however, everything changed.

He locked the door behind him, sliding down the door, and pulling his legs up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around them, slamming his head backwards against the door, and letting out a strangled combination of a sob and a hiccup. "Fuck it!" He hissed, sobbing again.

The breath seemed to be catching in his throat, and the tears started to fall"They shouldn't have found out about it! They'll leave!" He whispered to himself, in between gasps.

Half an hour later, Brendon felt the need to call Ryan. Taking out his cell, he punched in Ryan's number. Every time, it kept ringing until it went to voicemail. "Goddamit."

After not being able to get into contact with Ryan after quite a few attempted calls, Brendon finally gave up and called Spencer. "Spencer?"


"Have you heard anything from Ryan?"

"No, why?" Spencer asked, putting down his book.

"He's not answering, and I tried calling him a fuckload of times."

"Are you sure he isn't busy, or sleeping, or maybe his phone died?" Spencer asked, his head tilted to one side slightly as if trying to listen better.

"But that's the thing! When I was walking home with him, something was bothering him! Something was really fucking bothering him, but I couldn't find out what! He wouldn't fucking tell me!" Brendon practically yelled, hand going up and tangling itself into his hair in frustration.

"Now I'm worried about him too, Brendon. When was the last time that you saw or spoke to him?"

Glancing at the clock, Brendon replied, "3 hours ago."

"Ah shit! Meet me over there, right now!"

Trying to keep a level head, Brendon dialed Spencer's number. After several rings, Brendon getting edgier after each, Spencer finally picked up. "Brendon?"

The other man breathed a sigh of relief after, glad for the drummer's answering. "Spence, I'm kinda worried."



"What happened?" Spencer asked, sitting up straighter in his seat.

"I don't really know, Spence. He acted like he was fine when we were walking home, but I know something was wrong. He didn't say anythig, but I just had this feeling. He said everything was fine and all, but when I got home, I tried calling him, I just got this really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, you know what I'm talking about?" Brendon said, the words spilling out too quickly, like a broken dam.

"Yeah." Spencer said. Normally, he woud have disregarded it, and told Brendon just to chill, but it was Ryan they were tlaking about here.

"But he didn't answer, Spencer, and I called a bunch of times, and-" Brendon paused to catch his breath, but Spencer interrupted, with, "Alright, meet me outside his house in 10 minutes."




"No worries, Brendon."

Spencer hung up, quickly pulling on his shoes and running out the door, determined to get there as fast as he could.