Stay Alive Tonight


Brendon and Spencer had shown up at Ryan's apartment. No matter how much they called out his name, or knocked, or called his phone, they received no reply. They shared a look, before Spencer slammed his shoulder into the door. After the second or third time, the flimsy door gave way, and slammed open.

Spencer dashed in, followed by Brendon. They heard the faucet running. Rendon entered the kitchen. His hand still on the tap after turning it off, he heard Spencer scream his name.

He dashed towards the sound of Spencer's voice, coming from the bedroom, or maybe the bathroom.

"Brendon! Call 911!" Spencer yelled when the singer entered the bedroom.

"Holy shit!" Brendon yelped upon seeing the sight in the bathroom. Spencer was on his knees, next to Ryan, his hands bloody. Ryan lay on the floor, unconscious and bleeding, surrounded by shards of glass and empty pill bottles.

His hand fumbled his phone out of the pocket it resided in, dialing emergency services, before dropping to his knees, to help Spencer staunch the flow of blood.

It rand twice, before a calm female voice said, "911, what is your emergency?"

"He's bleeding, and I think he took something!" Brendon gasped out.

"Do you know what he took?"

"Spencer! What do the bottles say?"

Spencer lunged towards the bottles, nearly letting them slide out of his grip, slick with blood. "Aspirin, and uh... some kind of sleeping aid, label's worn off." The drummer called out.

"I'll send an ambulance right away. Is the victim conscious?"

"No! He's out!"

"Try to wake him up."

"Holy shit, he's shaking!" Spencer yelled, as Ryan's body began to go into violent convulsions.