Status: Complete

She's My Daisy in the Dust

Nick and Ed

I was home but it felt so wrong. I was on my own as I dropped my bag to the floor, I was back two weeks before Harry and the boys and I was already regretting my decision to come back. I walked into my room leaning against the frame and stared in, the place I had spent so long in making feel like home had suddenly never felt so empty. I felt like I was walking around someone elses apartment, sighing I walked over to my cd player and hit play smiling as Harry’s voice bounced off the walls. I picked up my matches and lit all the candles in my lounge in an attempt to get it feeling a bit more homely. My phone buzzed.

“Hey Ed.” I smiled as I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Pouring a glass of wine.” I told him as I took a sip and closing my eyes.

“Can I come over and we can write together?” he asked.

“You know for a guy whos meant to be touring the country you seem to be in London an awful lot.” I giggled and he chuckled.

“Well?” he asked as someone knocked on my door.

“Wait there is someone at my door.” I told him opening the door and revealing Nick, “Nick is here.”

“So am I coming over?” he asked.

“Ed is coming over to write.” I told Nick.

“More the merrier.” Nick held up two bottles of wine and I grinned.

“Nick has wine.” I told Ed.

“Awesome. I’ll bring the beer.” He hung up and I raised an eyebrow at Nick.

“Am I supposed to believe that both you and Ed randomly decide to hang out the first night I get back?” I asked and Nick laughed.

“You can believe whatever you like babygirl.” Nick walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a wine glass and pouring himself a glass, “I did warn your curly haired fellow you’d smell a rat but he insisted that you would need us.”

“He’s right.” I nodded tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Isn’t he always?” Nick asked and I laughed, “you’re right, it is rare.”

“Thanks for being here.” I told him taking a drink from my glass.

“Even if Harry hadn’t asked me you know I’d have been knocking on your door right?” Nick asked and I smiled, “I mean it B, you’re special.”

“You’re special too Nick.” I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

“Not like that.” He tutted and I laughed, “is this Harry singing?”

“Yea.” I blushed standing up, “I’ll change it.”

“It’s cute,” Nick grinned, “he covered all these songs for you?”

“My favourite ones.” I shrugged.

“That kid is smooth as hell.” Nick chuckled and I laughed as there was a knock on the door before it opened.

“Hello!” Ed grinned walking in guitar in one hand and beer in the other.

“Three of my favourite things.” I grinned as Ed hugged me.

“How are you?” Ed laughed as I took the beer from him putting it in the fridge.

“Alright.” I shrugged, “regretting my decision to come home early but it’s nice to see you guys. Beer or wine?”

“Beer.” Ed answered, “why are you back so early?”

“I have a function I have to go to for my Dad.” I sighed, “I should have just said no.”

“Why didn’t you?” they asked.

“It’s kind of a condition of my…trust.” I blushed.

“You’re a trust fund baby?” Ed gaped and I bit my lip.

“Wow.” Nick laughed.

“Shut up.” I continued to blush.

“It’s cute that you’re so embarrassed about it.” Ed laughed.

“People always assume you’re a brat when they find out.” I shrugged.

“I don’t think you’re a brat.” Nick told me and I smiled.

“Thanks Nick.” I leant my head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“No worries. Now shall I order a takeaway?” Nick asked and I grinned.
He ordered a Chinese and we all sat around talking before Ed and I started playing guitar and writing bits of songs but mainly just laughed at each other. My head was resting on Nick’s shoulder when Ed decided to leave due to his drunk state. We bid him farewell before falling about laughing at each other.

“So favourite trust fund baby.” Nick began and I rolled my eyes, “how are things with you and Harreh?”

“Harreh?” I laughed, “they’re good. It’s all cool.”

“You two make me so happy.” Nick grinned and I laughed.

“Niall says that. Why is this?” I asked falling back onto the sofa.

“You two restore my faith in love.” Nick said dramatically.

“What cause if us two losers can do it you can to?” I asked and he laughed before nodding.

“I want to dance.” Nick whined.

“Let’s go out.” I suggested.

“That is so much effort.” He complained and I laughed.

I put on a Rihanna cd turning it up and Nick laughed as I started dancing around my apartment singing along at the top of my lungs, Nick soon joined me. He was waving is phone around recording us but neither of cared only stopping to refuel with wine.

“We ran out of wine.” I groaned as I searched the depths of my cupboards only being able to produce
a half empty bottle of vodka.

“Vodka will do.” Nick grinned, “I can work with vodka.”

I then found a bottle of whiskey and it’s safe to say we both woke up in my bed nursing some horrific hangovers as my phone rang.

“Why would you do this to us?” Nick answered my phone and I groaned buryng my face in my pillow,
“yes we are hungover what did you expect when you told me to come over? Yes well your girlfriend likes to drink. It was making her happy! Yes I am aware she probably isn’t happy this morning. Hang on. B are you alive enough to talk to your man?”

I held my hand out to take the phone.

“Speak softly.” I told him and he chuckled.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Shitty.” I chuckled, “but we had a great night.”

“I know you did. Nick sent a video of the both of you dancing.” He chuckled and I groaned, “you are a beautiful drunk singer.”

“Shut up Styles.” I groaned.

“You’re going to pleasant company at this event this evening.” Harry snorted and I groaned.

“Crap. Is that really tonight?” I moaned as Harry chuckled.

“Don’t laugh at me.” I groaned.

“Berroca it up baby.” He laughed, “look I have to go, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I told him as I put my phone down.

“So you have that event tonight?” Nick chuckled and I nodded.

“Come with me?” I asked and he laughed, “please?”

“Fine.” Nick sighed flopping back down next to me in bed, “my head hurts. I think it was the whiskey.”

“Yea that wasn’t one of our best ideas.” I shuddered thinking back to the shots we had done, “at least we had fun.”

“That we did.” Nick agreed as both of us looked at each other and started laughing.

Nick Grimshaw and Harry Styles Girlfriend spotted out together!
Last night Nick Grimshaw was spotted with his best friends girl on his arm. Blair Monroe was in attendence at the prestigious charity fundraiser run by her fathers company. The event is well known for only inviting the most elite members of the business world.
The pair was reported spotted laughing and dancing together but seemed to steer clear of the alcohol provided. This could be a result of a heavy night with Ed Sheeran the night before which Sheeran had hinted at on twitter earlier that day saying ‘@Blairr @Grimmers you two are hilarious drunks. I hope you are hanging as badly as I am today.’
Blair was wearing a beautiful red dress that reached just below her knee flaring out at the waist, she matched her date with Nick wearing a red pocket square in his suit. The pair were full of smiles for the cameras and but declined answering any questions about her relationship with Harry Styles. He however was not so silent on Nick and Blairs night out tweeting the pair ‘@Blairr @Grimmers you two are trouble together. Have a great night, look after my girl Grimshaw!’
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating from a train :) Almost back to uni.

I apolgise from my bad updates of late both in quality and how shitty they are. It will get better again, the next chapter is already written from ages ago at it makes me smile everytime.

Comments make my day more than you can ever imagine and they cheer me up no end. And going back to uni after being home with my family and boyfriend always makes me sad so a comment would make my day a little brighter...even though this chapter definately doesnt deserve it.
