Yeah Boy And Doll Face

"I had to hear your voice again."

One moment I was laughing, sitting in a car with VIc, his hand in mine. Then lights blinded me and something hit the car. That's all that happened before everything went black.

~ ~ ~

"I love you, Lisa."

I looked at him lovingly from where I laid in the field. "I love you too, Vic." I said

He laid next to me and intertwined our fingers. "And your lightening lips." After that he kissed me softly, caressing my face gently. "Were you being honest when you said I could never leave your bed?"

I rolled on top of him and gave him a half-hearted smile. "If I died would you fall in love again?"
His face grew distraught

~ ~ ~

Without warning a freezing wind swept over me and I was suddenly back in the car.
I felt something warm trickle down my cheek. I reached up quickly to see what it was. When I expected it closer I saw that it was blood. My blood..

In a panic I looked over to the driver's side to Vic. His body was motionless as he lay against his seat. Blood stained his clothes and hair and there was a large gash on the side of his head.

Then the ambulances began to sing, and the doctors danced over to our scene.

~ ~ ~

"I guess I'm just your average boy.."

"Your just another boy without a sharper knife!" I screamed.

"Calm down." Our therapist tried to soothe us but we just kept screaming at each other.

"Fine! Then can you tell me why my little Mona Lisa lied?" He retorted.

Finally he got too pissed off and stood in between us. "Alright, alright. Kill the conversation! Wrap this up!"

"You don't know how deep to go before it's real!" Vic spat at me. Apparently I had insulted him deeper than I thought.

"Take me home!!" I screamed.

When we got in the car, I started crying and looked away from him.

"Well, if your lightening lips aren't mine, then I don't know the awkward stranger to my right." He whispered.

"You were my getaway, you know." I whispered and glanced over at him hopefully. I knew that this was all my fault. Our marriage was hurt because I lied. Vic had gone back to hurting himself. "I'm so sorry.. You could try a new life without me?" I suggested to him, playing with my hands while I waited for his answer.

"I can't let you go. You made this hell feel just like home, so I couldn't ever leave you alone."

I stared at him with a faint smile gracing my lips and tears still in my eyes. "Really?"

He immediately looked over at me and smiled. "Of course, Lisa. I love you with everything I have, and I forgive you, for everything."

My heart felt like it had jumped back to life. "Okay. I love you too, Vic."

"Oh, and, Lisa?"

"Yeah, boy?"

He reached over to wipe away my tears then grabbed my hand. "I only need one hand to drive, doll face."

~ ~ ~

They pulled Vic out of the car and strapped him to onto a gurney. I panicked and jumped out of the car, walking slowly over to the ambulance. I started to black out again.

~ ~ ~

"I couldn't let you go, Vic."

"No, I never let you go, my dear." He said as I led him by the hand. His finger rubbed against the diamond gold ring on my own.

"Do you want me?" I questioned.

"Well do you want me to know that you're okay?" He looked concerned.

We had been through so much in the four months that we were married. Vic had cut himself, and I almost committed suicide twice.

"Yes. I am okay, because you're here with me." I kissed him passionately.

His fingers found their way to my long dark hair and began to brush through it.

"So, please, keep talking cause I love to hear your voice."

~ ~ ~

The EMT's rushed over to me before I fell to the ground to place me on a gurney. My head frantically searched around as they rolled me closer to the ambulance. I was placed to the right of Vic and I reached out for his hand. Tears rolled down my face again. "Please Vic, let me know that you're alive. Wake me up, I need to hear your voice again.."

His gasped as his eyes popped open. He looked at his surroundigs while his tried to slow his frantic breathing. When he looked over at me, he reached out to take my hand. "Lisa."

"Vic, you're alive." I said happily.

"I had to hear your voice again." He choked out.

Then a simultaneous smile spread across our blood stained faces. This love kept us alive.