Coming Back Home

That little thing called truth, sometimes it hurts.

Lyndon entered the shoe shop just in time to see her, but not prevent her, from buying 13 pairs of shoes. She walked over smiling. "Amazing, I love Paris. Its the only place where a woman can buy so many shoes at such an amazing price! You know my favourite pair is the one at a thousand euros. I asked her to take them off sale just for me."
"How much did this cost me?"
"About that. I think you're in debt. This wouldn't have happened if you were half the woman I am."
"I'm not a woman."
"See, that's your problem then!"
"You're a bitch."
"Aw, thank you sweetie." She kissed his cheek smiling, skipping off down the side walk "Now come along limpy, keep up. I don't have all day."
He followed walking as slowly as he could looking at her. They reached the train station. "We're traveling by train?"
"Yes, i thought I'd scare you. We catch the train to London, then the plane to New York. From there, I might be nice. We'll take a bus to Pennsylvania."
"You're so funny."
"I'm glad you think so. I got us first class though. The joys of leg room." They got on the train leaving their bags with a blond French girl in a skimpy outfit taking their seats. "So tell me dear, how did you recover so well?"
"You think I did."
"You're walking without impairment, that surprised me."
He smiled, a rare happening before everything. This was the first time he remembered smiling in the last two years. "You'd love me to tell you wouldn't you?"
"Probably not, I'm so sure I'd find it boring." She smiled sweetly again. "It concerns you, its sure not interesting."
"Good." He lifted his trouser leg to the knee showing where the leg ended and the metal began. "Happy now?"
"That is far more interesting than I'd expected. Both or just one?"
"I'll try harder next time. Say does it hurt when I kick it?"
She stood digging the metal heel into his other shin "Listen now. Whilst we're working together you're going to do as I say. Why? Because I say so. More importantly because you're crippled. If I'd known I'd not have come." She watched as his eyes filled with tears as she dug the heel in more scraping it down slowly. "I'm getting you used to the pain."
"I'm used to it. I'm in pain every day."
"But you're going soft, you're crying in pain but you wont stop the pain will you?" She caught her breathe as she landed on her seat, his hand around her throat. She smiled. "Well done honey. You proved you can do it. I'm still in charge." She glanced at his leg gulping she looked away, "When we get to New York. You'll be staying with me."
He didn't reply, she looked at him seeing his head tilted to one side and his eyes closed sleeping like a baby. She almost had to carry him onto the plane.