You Just Don't Realize How Much You Mean To Me

Alex and Shawn have been best friends for years and they have fallen for each other, but they're scared to tell the other. They're friends are trying to ge them together...but it's not really working.

Swearing (a lot)
Drug abuse
Skateboard abuse
Sister abuse
Cousin abuse
Brother abuse
Bully abuse...
Basically a lot of abuse
Stupid stunts
True events (that have happened to me)
Sharp nails
And a weasel called Sukky.


Shawn Brixton- 17
He's hardly ever quiet. He likes to jump around and make lots of noise. His hero's are Bam Margera and Tony Hawk. He loves his skateboard, it has a name, Billy. Shawn is totally in love with Alex. He's gay.
What he looks like: He's an albino, he has white messy hair that never stays down, white skins and bright red eyes that turn dark red when he's angry and blood red when he's horny. Has a lip ring.

Alexander Strand- 17
Loves to skate and to play video games. Likes to get on his Mum's nerves a lot. Too hyper for his own good. In love with Shawn. Loves HIM. He's gay.
What he looks like: Black hair with pink and green streaks, very pale, cat like green eyes. Has snake bites and a nose stud.

Dean Strand- 15
Alex's little brother. A bit more responsible than Alex, but still just as insane. Loves to drum and does a little skating. Falls asleep at random times during the day, but can never get to sleep at night. :)
What he looks like: He's a little bit like Alex, except that he has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. No peircings, yet.

Ed Taller- 17
He's the one everyone goes to with their problems and with their secrets. He describes himself as "half way to emo land". Likes to do random stunts, mostly ones he taken from Jackass and CKY. But he comes up with his own sometimes.
What he looks like: Dirty blond hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. Normally has lots of bruises because of all the stupid stuff he does. Has a nose ring on the right side if his nose and a nose stud on the other side.

John Brooks- 16
Random lil' shit. That's how everyone describes him. He likes to run into things and likes the taste of blood. He's like a leech. Likes to hug random people. He's got two restraining orders on him.
What he looks like: Has blue hair right now, but likes to change the color a lot. Hazel eyes with flecks of blue, very pale.


The GG's (Goth Girls)

Cordelia Sayeed- 15- Dean has a crush on her.
Alexis Sayeed- 15- Cordelia's twin.
Grace Edmund's- 15
Emilia 'Whatshername' Johnson- 15

The Cheerleaders

Tori Lloyd- 17
Brit Tain-17
Allie Harriet- 17
Michelle Haze- 16
Lindsay Thomson- 17

The Jocks

Ky Bronton- 17
Dave Brixton- 18- Shawn's brother.
Joel Jackson- 17
'Tizzy' Riley- 17

The Other Ones

Leo Carment- 19- Daredevil
'Boomer' Tylers- 19- Daredevil
Tawni Scared- 12-Ed's little cousin

The Teachers
Mr Talkston- The Principal
Mr Boyd- The pervy teacher who pervs on everyone, boy and girl alike.
Miss Rithmen- the oldest teacher in the school, 100000 years old and still not married. very strict bitch. Homophobe.
Miss Sayeed- Cordy and Alexis's sister. Goth. A fun teacher to have around.
Miss Liza- Spanish teacher who keeps flirting with Alex.

Let the games...BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!

PS-New author. IAmInfinite0 aka Kate. She's writing too.